GM Service Manual Online
For 1990-2009 cars only



A small number of vehicles were built with a hood latch skid plate not properly welded to the hood latch support assembly. Hood closures may fracture the skid plate welds rendering the skid plate nonfunctional. The skid plate is required to ensure secondary hood latch function.


From Through

Corsica & Beretta HY101110 HY101930

Tempest HY700139 HY700169

All affected vehicles have been idenbified by the VIN listing provided to involved Dealers with this bulletin. Any Dealer not receiving a listing was not shipped any of the affected vehicles.


Dealers are to service all vehicles subject to this campaign at no charge to owners, regardless of mileage, age of vehicle, or ownership, from this time forward.

Whenever a vehicle subject to this campaign is taken into your new or used vehicle inventory, or it is in your Dealership for service in the future, you should take the steps necessary to be sure the campaign correction has been made before reselling or releasing the vehicle.

Owners of vehicles recently sold from your new vehicle inventory are to be contacted by the Dealer, and arrangements made to make the required modification according to instructions contained in this bulletin.


Refer to Section 4 of the Service Policies and Procedures Manual for the detailed procedure on handling Product Campaigns. Dealers are requested to complete the campaign on all transfers as soon as possible.


All owners of record at the time of campaign release are shown on the attached computer listing and have been notified by first class mail from General Motors. The listings provided are for campaign activity only and should not be used for any other purpose.


Parts required should be ordered through regular channels, as follows:

Part Number Description Quantity/Vehicle ----------- ----------- ---------------- 10082277 Skid Plate 1 (as required) 11509135 Screw 2 (as required)


Credit for the campaign work performed will be paid upon receipt of a properly completed campaign claim card, RAPID terminal or DCS transmission in accordance with the following:

Repair Code Operation Time Allowance ------------ --------- -------------- 1A Inspection Only .3 Corsica, Beretta, Tempest

2A Install Screws Only .3 Corsica, Beretta, Tempest

3A Install Skid Plate .4 Corsica, Beretta, Tempest

Time allowance includes 0.1 hour for Dealer administrative detail associated with this campaign. Parts credit will be based on Dealer net plus 30% to cover parts handling.


1. Raise hood and inspect catch surface of support for skid plate (P/N 10082277). If a skid plate is present and it is retained by either two (2) screws or two (2) rivets (see Figure 1) no further action is required, proceed to Step 10.

If a skid plate is present and spot welded only (not retained by screws or rivets), locate and drill two (2) 9/64" pilot holes through skid plate and support as shown in Figure 1. Fasten skid plate securely using two ( 2 )screws (P/N 11509135). Proceed to Step 7.

If no 3kid plate is present, proceed with the steps below.

2. Place skid plate (P/N 10082277) on catch surface of support. Nest skid plate fore-aft then slide plate to drivers side of vehicle until nested. It may be necessary to slide skid plate under plastic close out panel to assure proper nesting on the catch surface of support. (See Figure 1).

3. Using skid plate holes as a guide, centre punch hole locations.

4. Drill two (2) 9/64" pilot holes.

5. Position plate and fasten securely using screw (P/N 11508544).

6. Check operation - While slowly lowering hood, secandary latch must slide down newly installed skid plate until fully engaged.

7. Should secondary latch rest on catch surface without sliding down sloped surface of skid plate, loosen screw (P/N 11503632)(2) places (see Figure 2). If not previously removed, remove and discard production locator screw (P/N 11508544) and adjust secondary latch forward slightly. Tighten screw (P/N 11503632) two (2) places. Check operation by slowly lowering hood as before.

8. If locator screw (P/N 11509135) is removed for secondary latch adjustment, a new (P/N 11509135) locator screw must be installed. It may be necessary to first drill a 9/64" pilot hole if secondary latch assembly required adjustment for proper operation.


Clean surface of radiator upper mounting panel and apply a Campaign Identification label. Make sure the correct campaign number is inserted on the label. This will indicate that the campaign has been completed.

Dear General Motors Customer:

This notice is sent to you in accordance with the requirements of the Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Act.

General Motors of Canada has determined that a defect which relates to motor vehicle safety exists in some 1987 Chevrolet Corsica, Beretta and Pontiac Tempest models. A small number of these vehicles were built with a hood latch skid plate not properly welded to the hood latch support assembly. Hood closures may fracture the skid plate wels rendering the skid plate nonfunctional. The skid plate is required to ensure secondary hood latch function.

If the secondary hood latch were not properly engaged and the primary latch were to disengage, the hood could unexpectedly open. If this were to occur while the vehicle was in motion, the hood may contact the windshield, reducing the forward vision area of the driver and a vehicle crash could occur without prior warning.

Correction of this condition will consist of inspection, and if required, installation of a secondary latch skid plate and/or retaining screws.

Instructions for making this correction have been sent to your GM Dealer. The labour time necessary to perform this correction ranges from 10 to 20 minutes depending on whether secondary skid plate installation is required.

This letter identifies your vehicle. Presentation of this letter to your Dealer wil assist their Service personnel in completing the necessary correction to your vehicle in the shorest possible time.

Further assistance, if required, may be obtained from General Motors Zone Office nearest you. Your vehicle Owner's Manual provides the location and phone number of each respective Zone Office.

We are sorry to cause you this inconvenience; however, we have taken this action in the interest of your continued satisfaction with our products.

Object Number: 90361  Size: SF

Object Number: 91426  Size: LF

Object Number: 87526  Size: LF

General Motors bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, not a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform those technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions and know-how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, do not assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will have that condition. See a General Motors dealer servicing your brand of General Motors vehicle for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information.