GM Service Manual Online
For 1990-2009 cars only

If you find an error in a GM Service manual, or if you have a suggestion about a GM service manual, we want to hear from you.

When calling, be prepared with the following information:

    • Your name
    • Your dealership's name
    • Your dealership's phone number
    • The model year and the vehicle line
    • The publication part number (if present)
    • The vehicle identification number of the vehicle being worked on
    • The service category and page number(s)
    • Any applicable electronic information element identification numbers
    • A descriptive explanation of your concern

The GM service manual phone personnel will respond to your concerns in the following ways:

    • By delivering your concern to the manual's author.
    • By eliciting a response from the author.
    • By supplying you with an answer to your concerns.

For paper manual users: the GM service manual phone personnel will also explain how to send in examples or marked-up pages.

For Electronic Manual users: Be prepared to provide any applicable identification numbers pertaining to the electronic information that you are questioning.

The GM service manual comment telephone numbers do not provide technical assistance. For technical assistance, contact your regular technical assistance source.

United States General Motors Dealer Employees

Please call the following number Monday through Friday with your comments: 1-800-828-6860 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Eastern Time Zone.

Canada, French Speaking General Motors Dealer Employees

Please call the following number Monday through Friday with your comments: 1-800-503-3222 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Eastern Time Zone.

United States and Canadian Vehicle Owner/Operator

Vehicle owners or operators are encouraged to address their comments and concerns to the applicable Customer Assistance Center. The phone number and address of the Customer Assistance Center are in the Owner's Manual.