Install the new boot clamp
(2) onto the rack and pinion boot (3).
Apply grease to the inner
rod (2) and apply grease to the gear assembly (1) prior to the boot (3) installation.
Install the boot (3) onto
the inner tie rod assembly.
Important: The rack and pinion boot must not be twisted or out of shape in any
way. An improperly shaped boot must be shaped by hand before installing the
boot clamp.
Install the boot (3) onto the gear assembly (1) until the boot
is seated in the gear assembly groove.
Install the boot clamp
on the boot (1) using tool J 22610
Crimp the boot clamp (2).
Install the tie rod end clamp on the boot using pliers.
Install the jam nut to the inner tie rod assembly.
Install the outer tie rod. Refer to Tie Rod End Replacement - Outer