Your vehicle is equipped with the PASS-Key (Personalized Automotive Security System) theft-deterrent system. PASS-Key is a passive theft-deterrent system. It works when you insert or remove the key from the ignition.
PASS-Key uses a resistor pellet in the ignition key that matches a decoder in your vehicle.
When the Pass-Key system senses that someone is using the wrong key, it shuts down the vehicle's starter and fuel systems. For about three minutes, the starter won't work and fuel won't go to the engine. If someone tries to start your vehicle again or uses another key during this time, the shutdown period will start over again. This discourages someone from randomly trying different keys with different resistor pellets in an attempt to make a match.
The key must be clean and dry before it's inserted in the ignition or the engine may not start. If the SECURITY light comes on, the key may be dirty or wet.
If this happens and the starter won't work, turn the ignition off. Clean and dry the key, wait three minutes and try again. If the starter still won't work, wait three minutes and try the other ignition key. At this time, you may also want to check the fuses. See Fuses and Circuit Breakers . If the starter won't work with the other key, your vehicle needs service. If your vehicle does start, the first ignition key may be faulty. See your dealer or a locksmith who can service the PASS-Key.
If you accidentally use a key that has a damaged or missing resistor pellet, you will see no SECURITY light. You don't have to wait three minutes before trying the proper key.
If the resistor pellet is damaged or missing, the starter won't work. Use the other ignition key, and see your dealer or a locksmith who can service the PASS-Key to have a new key made.
If the SECURITY light comes on while driving, have your vehicle serviced as soon as possible.
If you lose or damage a PASS-Key ignition key, see your dealer or a locksmith who can service PASS-key. In an emergency, call Chevrolet Roadside Assistance. See Roadside Assistance Program for more information.