Headlamp Wash Relay Cmd.: The scan tool displays On/Off. When the body control module (BCM) commands the headlamp washers on, the scan tool parameter displays the output to the headlamp wash relay as On.
Windshield Washer Fluid: The scan tool displays the status of the washer fluid level switch.
Windshield Washer Switch: The scan tool displays On/Off. When the windshield washer switch is pressed, the scan tool parameter will display the switch signal to the BCM as On.
Windshield Wiper Switch: The scan tool displays Off/Delay 1,2,3,4,5/Low/Mist/Hi. When the windshield wiper system is active, the scan tool will display the selected wiper; Delay 1,2,3,4,5, Low, Mist, or Hi mode.
Wiper Motor Relay Command: The scan tool displays On/Off. When the windshield wiper system is in the active state, the scan tool displays the BCM commanded output to the wiper relay as On.
Wiper Park Switch: The scan tool displays On/Off. The scan tool displays the state of the wiper park switch.