Engine Data 1
Engine Speed - Range (0-16384 RPM): The VCM computes the Engine Speed from the fuel control reference
input. The speed should remain close to the desired idle under the various
engines loads with the engine idling.
Desired Idle Speed - Range (0-3187 RPM): The VCM commands the desired IAC. The VCM compensates for various
engine loads in order to maintain the desired idle speed.
IAC Position - Range (0-255) Counts: The scan tool displays in counts the Idle Air Control (IAC) pintle
position commanded from the VCM. The greater the number of counts, the greater
the command idle speed (air passages opened) is. The idle air control should
respond fairly quickly to changes in the engine load in order to maintain
the desired idle RPM.
Desired IAC Position - Range (0-255) Counts: The desired IAC indicates the desired IAC position.
Throttle Position (TP) Sensor - Range (0.0-5.0 Volts): The VCM uses the Throttle Position in order to determine the amount
of throttle demanded by the operator of the vehicle. The TP sensor reads between
0.36-0.96 volts at idle to above 4.0 volts at Wide Open
Throttle (WOT).
TP Angle - Range (0-100%): The VCM computes the TP Angle from the TP signal voltage input.
The TP Angle should read 0% at idle. AT 0%, the TP voltage will read below
0.90 volts. The TP Angle should read 100% at Wide Open Throttle.
Start Up ECT - Range -40°-215°C (-40°-419°F): When the engine is started, the VCM records the engine coolant
temperature. The VCM uses the recorded temperature in order to calculate the
time to a Closed Loop.
ECT - Range -40°-215°C (-40°-419°F): The Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor is mounted in the intake
the intake manifold. The ECT sends the engine temperature information to the
VCM. The VCM supplies 5 volts to the ECT sensor circuit. The sensor
is a thermistor which changes the internal resistance as the temperature
changes. When the sensor is cold meaning the internal resistance is high,
the VCM monitors a high voltage signal. The VCM interprets the high voltage
signal as a cold engine. As the sensor warms meaning the internal resistance
decreases, the voltage signal decreases. The VCM interprets the lower resistance
as a warm engine.
ECT Sensor - Range (0.0-5.0 Volts): The Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor is mounted in the intake
the intake manifold. The ECT sends the engine temperature information to the
VCM. The VCM supplies 5 volts to the ECT sensor circuit. The sensor
is a thermistor which changes the internal resistance as the temperature
changes. When the sensor is cold meaning the internal resistance is high,
the VCM monitors a high voltage signal. The VCM interprets the high voltage
signal as a cold engine. As the sensor warms meaning the internal resistance
decreases, the voltage signal decreases. The VCM interprets the lower resistance
as a warm engine.
Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor - Range (0.0-5.0 Volts): The MAP sensor produces a low signal voltage when the manifold
pressure is low. A low manifold pressure means a high vacuum. The MAP sensor
produces a high signal voltage when the manifold pressure is high. A high
manifold pressure means a low vacuum. With the ignition ON and the engine
stopped, the manifold pressure equals the atmospheric pressure causing the
signal voltage to be high. The VCM uses this information as an indication
of the vehicle's altitude. This information is referred to as the BARO.
Comparison of this BARO reading with a known good vehicle with the same
sensor is a good way to check accuracy of a suspect sensor. The readings
should read the same +0.4 volt.
Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) - Range (10 kPa-104 kPa): The Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor measures the change
in the intake manifold pressure from the engine load and the speed changes.
As the intake manifold pressure increases, the air density in the intake
manifold also increases. Additional fuel is required.
Barometric Pressure (BARO) - Range (0.0-5.0 Volts): The BARO represents a measurement of the barometric air pressure.
This measurement is determined by using the Manifold Air Pressure (MAP) sensor
in order to determine the manifold vacuum. Since the barometric air pressure
depends on the altitude, the measurement may vary from 100 kPa (sea
level) to 60 kPa (14,000 ft).
Barometric Pressure (BARO) Sensor - Range (0-62 kPa): The VCM determines the displayed BARO reading from the MAP sensor
at the ignition ON and the engine OFF and the WOT conditions. The BARO reading
displayed represents the barometric pressure. The VCM uses the displayed
BARO readings in order to compensate for the altitude differences.
Startup IAT - Range (-40°-151°C): The VCM converts the resistance of the Intake Air Temperature (IAT)
sensor to degrees. The VCM uses the intake air temperature in order to adjust
the fuel delivery and the spark timing according to the incoming air density.
IAT Sensor - Range (-40°-151°C): The VCM converts the resistance of the Intake Air Temperature (IAT)
sensor to degrees. The VCM uses the intake air temperature in order to adjust
the fuel delivery and the spark timing according to the incoming air density.
Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor - (0.0-5.0 Volts): The VCM converts the resistance of the Intake Air Temperature (IAT)
sensor to degrees. The VCM uses the intake air temperature in order to adjust
the fuel delivery and the spark timing according to the incoming air density.
MAF - Range (0-512 g/s): The VCM converts the Mass Air Flow sensor input signal into grams
per second. The MAF indicates the amount of air entering the engine.
MAF Frequency (Hertz): The VCM converts the Mass Air Flow sensor input signal into grams
per second or hertz. The MAF indicates the amount of air entering the engine.
Engine Load - Range (0-100%): The VCM determines the engine load based upon the engine speed
and MAF sensor readings. Engine Load increases with any increase in RPM and/or
Long Term Fuel Trim (FT) Bn 1 - Range (0-255 Counts): The Long Term Fuel Trim (FT) is derived from the short term fuel
trim value. The VCM uses the Long Term Fuel Trim for the long-term correction
of the fuel delivery. A value of 128 counts (0% indicates that the
fuel delivery requires no compensation to maintain a 14.7:1 air to fuel
ratio. A value below 128 counts means that the fuel system is too
rich and the fuel delivery is being reduced, decreased injector pulse width.
A value above 128 counts indicates that a lean condition exists.
The VCM compensates by adding fuel, increased injector pulse width.
Long Term Fuel Trim (FT) Bn 1 - Percentage of Compensation Required: The Long Term Fuel Trim (FT) is derived from the short term fuel
trim value. The VCM uses the Long Term Fuel Trim for the long-term correction
of the fuel delivery. A value of 128 counts (0% indicates that the
fuel delivery requires no compensation to maintain a 14.7:1 air to fuel
ratio. A value below 128 counts means that the fuel system is too
rich and the fuel delivery is being reduced, decreased injector pulse width.
A value above 128 counts indicates that a lean condition exists.
The VCM compensates by adding fuel, increased injector pulse width.
Long Term Fuel Trim (FT) Bn 2 - Range (0-255 Counts): The Long Term Fuel Trim (FT) is derived from the short term fuel
trim value. The VCM uses the Long Term Fuel Trim for the long-term correction
of the fuel delivery. A value of 128 counts (0% indicates that the
fuel delivery requires no compensation to maintain a 14.7:1 air to fuel
ratio. A value below 128 counts means that the fuel system is too
rich and the fuel delivery is being reduced, decreased injector pulse width.
A value above 128 counts indicates that a lean condition exists.
The VCM compensates by adding fuel, increased injector pulse width.
Long Term Fuel Trim (FT) Bn 2 - Percentage of Compensation Required: The Long Term Fuel Trim (FT) is derived from the short term fuel
trim value. The VCM uses the Long Term Fuel Trim for the long-term correction
of the fuel delivery. A value of 128 counts (0% indicates that the
fuel delivery requires no compensation to maintain a 14.7:1 air to fuel
ratio. A value below 128 counts means that the fuel system is too
rich and the fuel delivery is being reduced, decreased injector pulse width.
A value above 128 counts indicates that a lean condition exists.
The VCM compensates by adding fuel, increased injector pulse width.
Short Term Fuel Trim (FT) Bn 1 - Range (0-255 Counts): The short term fuel trim was formerly the fuel integrator. The
short term fuel trim represents a short-term correction to the fuel delivery
by the VCM in response to the amount of time the HO2S voltage spends above
or below the 450 mV threshold. A HO2S voltage reading below 450 mV
indicates a lean air to fuel mixture. If the HO2S voltage has mainly been
below 450 mV threshold, the short term fuel trim increases in order
to tell the VCM to add fuel. If the HO2S voltage stays mainly above the
threshold, the VCM reduces the fuel delivery in order to compensate for
the indicated rich condition.
Short Term Fuel Trim (FT) Bn 1 - Percentage of Compensation Required: The short term fuel trim was formerly the fuel integrator. The
short term fuel trim represents a short-term correction to the fuel delivery
by the VCM in response to the amount of time the HO2S voltage spends above
or below the 450 mV threshold. A HO2S voltage reading below 450 mV
indicates a lean air to fuel mixture. If the HO2S voltage has mainly been
below 450 mV threshold, the short term fuel trim increases in order
to tell the VCM to add fuel. If the HO2S voltage stays mainly above the
threshold, the VCM reduces the fuel delivery in order to compensate for
the indicated rich condition.
Short Term Fuel Trim (FT) Bn 2 - Range (0-255 Counts): The short term fuel trim was formerly the fuel integrator. The
short term fuel trim represents a short-term correction to the fuel delivery
by the VCM in response to the amount of time the HO2S voltage spends above
or below the 450 mV threshold. A HO2S voltage reading below 450 mV
indicates a lean air to fuel mixture. If the HO2S voltage has mainly been
below 450 mV threshold, the short term fuel trim increases in order
to tell the VCM to add fuel. If the HO2S voltage stays mainly above the
threshold, the VCM reduces the fuel delivery in order to compensate for
the indicated rich condition.
Short Term Fuel Trim (FT) Bn 2 - Percentage of Compensation Required: The short term fuel trim was formerly the fuel integrator. The
short term fuel trim represents a short-term correction to the fuel delivery
by the VCM in response to the amount of time the HO2S voltage spends above
or below the 450 mV threshold. A HO2S voltage reading below 450 mV
indicates a lean air to fuel mixture. If the HO2S voltage has mainly been
below 450 mV threshold, the short term fuel trim increases in order
to tell the VCM to add fuel. If the HO2S voltage stays mainly above the
threshold, the VCM reduces the fuel delivery in order to compensate for
the indicated rich condition.
Engine Speed - Range 0-16384 RPM: The VCM computes the Engine Speed from the fuel control reference
input. The speed should remain close to the desired idle under the various
engines loads with the engine idling.
Fuel Trim Cell - Range (0-22) Cell: The Fuel Trim Cell is dependent upon the engine speed and the MAP
sensor readings. A plot of the RPM vs the MAP sensor readings. A plot of the
RPM vs the MAP is broken into 22 cells. The Fuel Trim Cell indicates which
cell is currently active.
Fuel Trim Enable - Range (ON/OFF): The Fuel Trim Enable indicates the state of the fuel trim (Enable/Disabled)
that the VCM is commanding. Fuel trim will be disabled when the vehicle is
not in closed loop, malfunction codes related to fuel trim are set, large
amounts of purge vapor are injested by the engine, or additional diagnostics
that temporarily affect fuel trim operation are active.
EVAP Canister Purge - OFF/ON: The EVAP Canister Purge pulls a small vacuum on the entire evaporative
emission system. The scan tool displays if the EVAP Canister Purge Solenoid
Valve is currently OFF or ON. When the scan tool displays ON, the small
vacuum is being applied.
EVAP Duty Cycle - Range (0-100%): The scan tool indicates the EVAP duty cycle that the VCM is commanding.
The EVAP duty cycle is a pulse modulated signal which is translated into a
direct percentage of the maximum commandable state.
EGR Duty Cycle - (0%-100%): The EGR Duty Cycle determines a percentage of time the valve is
being opened and closed.
Actual EGR Position - Range (0-100%): The Actual EGR Position indicates the actual EGR position in a
Desired EGR Position - Range (0-199.9%): The Desired EGR Position indicates the desired EGR position in
a percentage.
EGR Sensor - Range (0.00-5.00 Volts): The EGR Sensor indicates the actual EGR position in voltage.
Vehicle Speed - km/h - Range (0-255): The MPH - km/h indicates in MPH and in km/h how fast the drive
wheels are turning.
Ref. Pulse Occurred - Range (Yes/No): The scan tool will indicate a Yes for up to 1 second after
a reference pulse has been detected by the CKP.
Valid Ref. Pulse Occurred - Range (Yes/No): The scan tool will indicate a Yes after 2 or more reference pulses
have been detected by the CKP.
Knock (KS) Sensor - Range (0.0-5.0 Volts): The scan tool indicates the current knock sensor voltage.
Knock (KS) Sensor Activity - Range (0-255 Counts): The Knock Sensor Activity indicates the amount of spark knock the
VCM detects.
Spark - Range (-96 Degrees to -255 Degrees): The Spark Advance is a display of the spark advance calculation
which the VCM is programming into the ignition system. The VCM computes the
desired spark advance using data such as the engine temperature, the RPM,
the load, the vehicle speed, and the operating mode.
Knock Retard - Range (0.0-90 degrees): The KS Retard indicates the amount of spark advance is the VCM
removes in order to diminish spark knock.
CMP Retard - Range (0.0-90 degrees): The CAM Retard indicates the difference between the CMP sensor
and the CKP sensor relationship
Spark Control - Range (Advance/Retard): The Spark Control indicates whether the VCM is advancing or retarding
Loop Status - Range (Open/Close): The Loop Status indicates that the VCM is controlling fuel delivery
according to HO2S input. During open loop, the VCM ignores the HO2S input
and bases fuel delivery upon TP, engine coolant, and MAF sensor input.
Pre HO2S (Not Ready/Ready): The scan tool will display the current state of the HO2S system.
Post HO2S (Not Ready/Ready): The scan tool will display the current state of the HO2S system.
Rich/Lean Bn 1 - (Rich/Lean): The Rich/Lean Bn 1 indicates the condition of the exhaust gases
in bank 1.
Rich/Lean Bn 2 - (Rich/Lean): The Rich/Lean Bn 2 indicates the condition of the exhaust gases
in bank 2.
Ignition 1 - Range (0.0-25.5 Volts): The Ignition 1 indicates the voltage of the ignition input to the
Air Fuel Ratio - Range (0.0:1-25.5:1): The scan tool indicates the VCM calculated air to fuel ratio. The
typical air to fuel ratio is 14.7:1.
Engine Run Time - Range (0:00:00-18:12:15) Hours: Minutes: Seconds: The Engine Run Time is a measure of how long the engine has run
during this ignition cycle. When the engine stops running, the timer resets
to zero.
Engine Data 2
Engine Speed - Range (0-16384 RPM): The VCM computes the Engine Speed from the fuel control reference
input. The speed should remain close to the desired idle under the various
engines loads with the engine idling.
Desire Idle Speed - Range (0-3187 RPM): The VCM commands the desired IAC. The VCM compensates for various
engine loads in order to maintain the desired idle speed.
IAC Position - Range (0-255 Counts): The scan tool displays in counts the Idle Air Control (IAC) pintle
position commanded from the VCM. The greater the number of counts, the greater
the command idle speed (air passages opened) is. The idle air control should
respond fairly quickly to changes in the engine load in order to maintain
the desired idle RPM.
Desired IAC Position- Range (0-255 Counts): The desired IAC indicates the desired IAC position.
Throttle Position (TP) Sensor - Range (0.0-5.0 Volts): The VCM uses the Throttle Position in order to determine the amount
of throttle demanded by the operator of the vehicle. The TP sensor reads between
0.36-0.96 volts at idle to above 4.0 volts at Wide Open
Throttle (WOT).
TP Angle - Range (0-100%): The VCM computes the TP Angle from the TP signal voltage input.
The TP Angle should read 0% at idle. AT 0%, the TP voltage will read below
0.90 volts. The TP Angle should read 100% at Wide Open Throttle.
Start Up ECT - Range -40°-215°C (-40°-419°F): When the engine is started, the VCM records the engine coolant
temperature. The VCM uses the recorded temperature in order to calculate the
time to a Closed Loop.
ECT - Range -40°-215°C (-40°-419°F): The Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor is mounted in the intake
the intake manifold. The ECT sends the engine temperature information to the
VCM. The VCM supplies 5 volts to the ECT sensor circuit. The sensor
is a thermistor which changes the internal resistance as the temperature
changes. When the sensor is cold meaning the internal resistance is high,
the VCM monitors a high voltage signal. The VCM interprets the high voltage
signal as a cold engine. As the sensor warms meaning the internal resistance
decreases, the voltage signal decreases. The VCM interprets the lower resistance
as a warm engine.
ECT Sensor - Range (0.0-5.0 Volts): The Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor is mounted in the intake
the intake manifold. The ECT sends the engine temperature information to the
VCM. The VCM supplies 5 volts to the ECT sensor circuit. The sensor
is a thermistor which changes the internal resistance as the temperature
changes. When the sensor is cold meaning the internal resistance is high,
the VCM monitors a high voltage signal. The VCM interprets the high voltage
signal as a cold engine. As the sensor warms meaning the internal resistance
decreases, the voltage signal decreases. The VCM interprets the lower resistance
as a warm engine.
Startup IAT - Range (-40°-151°C): The VCM converts the resistance of the Intake Air Temperature (IAT)
sensor to degrees. The VCM uses the intake air temperature in order to adjust
the fuel delivery and the spark timing according to the incoming air density.
IAT Sensor - Range (-40°-151°C): The VCM converts the resistance of the Intake Air Temperature (IAT)
sensor to degrees. The VCM uses the intake air temperature in order to adjust
the fuel delivery and the spark timing according to the incoming air density.
Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor - Range (0.0-5.0 Volts): The MAP sensor produces a low signal voltage when the manifold
pressure is low. A low manifold pressure means a high vacuum. The MAP sensor
produces a high signal voltage when the manifold pressure is high. A high
manifold pressure means a low vacuum. With the ignition ON and the engine
stopped, the manifold pressure equals the atmospheric pressure causing
the signal voltage to be high. The VCM uses this information as an indication
of the vehicle's altitude. This information is referred to as the BARO.
Comparison of this BARO reading with a known good vehicle with the same
sensor is a good way to check accuracy of a suspect sensor. The readings
should read the same +0.4 volt.
Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) - Range (10 kPa-104 kPa): The Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor measures the change
in the intake manifold pressure from the engine load and the speed changes.
As the intake manifold pressure increases, the air density in the intake
manifold also increases. Additional fuel is required.
Barometric Pressure (BARO) - Range (0.0-5.0 Volts): The BARO represents a measurement of the barometric air pressure.
This measurement is determined by using the Manifold Air Pressure (MAP) sensor
in order to determine the manifold vacuum. Since the barometric air pressure
depends on the altitude, the measurement may vary from 100 kPa (sea
level) to 60 kPa (14,000 ft).
Barometric Pressure (BARO) Sensor - Range (0 kPa-62 kPa): The VCM determines the displayed BARO reading from the MAP sensor
at the ignition ON and the engine OFF and the WOT conditions. The BARO reading
displayed represents the barometric pressure. The VCM uses the displayed
BARO readings in order to compensate for the altitude differences.
Engine Load - Range (0-100%): The VCM determines the engine load based upon the engine speed
and MAF sensor readings. Engine Load increases with any increase in RPM and/or
MAF - Range 0-512 g/s: The VCM converts the Mass Air Flow sensor input signal into grams
per second. The MAF indicates the amount of air entering the engine.
MAF Frequency (Hertz): The VCM converts the Mass Air Flow sensor input signal into grams
per second or hertz. The MAF indicates the amount of air entering the engine.
Power Enrichment - Range (Yes/No): The Power Enrichment indicates if the Power Enrichment mode is
Inj. PWM Avg. Bank 1 - Range (0-499 ms): The Inj. Avg. Bank 1 indicates the injector on time that the VCM
is commanding.
Inj. PWM Avg. Bank 2 - Range (0-499 ms): The Inj. Avg. Bank 2 indicates the injector on time that the VCM
is commanding.
EVAP Duty Cycle - Range (0-100%): The scan tool indicates the EVAP duty cycle that the VCM is commanding.
The EVAP duty cycle is a pulse modulated signal which is translated into a
direct percentage of the maximum commandable state.
EVAP Canister Purge - OFF/ON: The EVAP Canister Purge pulls a small vacuum on the entire evaporative
emission system. The scan tool displays if the EVAP Canister Purge Solenoid
Valve is currently OFF or ON. When the scan tool displays ON, the small
vacuum is being applied.
EVAP Vent Solenoid - (Closed/Open): The scan tool will show the status of the EVAP Vent Solenoid.
EGR Duty Cycle - (0%-100%): The EGR Duty Cycle determines a percentage of time the valve is
being opened and closed.
Actual EGR Position - Range (0-100%): The Actual EGR Position indicates the actual EGR position in a
Desired EGR Position - Range (0-199.9%): The Desired EGR Position indicates the desired EGR position in
a percentage.
Rich/Lean Bn 1 - (Rich/Lean): The Rich/Lean Bn 1 indicates the condition of the exhaust gases
in bank 1.
Rich/Lean Bn 2 - (Rich/Lean): The Rich/Lean Bn 2 indicates the condition of the exhaust gases
in bank 2.
CL Since Restart - Range (Yes/No): The Closed Loop Since Restart indicates whether or not the vehicle
has been in a closed loop state.
Fuel Trim Enable - Range (Yes/No): The Fuel Trim Enable indicates the state of the fuel trim (Enable/Disabled)
that the VCM is commanding. Fuel trim will be disabled when the vehicle is
not in closed loop, malfunction codes related to fuel trim are set, large
amounts of purge vapor are injested by the engine, or additional diagnostics
that temporarily affect fuel trim operation are active.
VTD Fuel Disable - Range (Active/Inactive): If the VCM has not received the correct password from the Passlock
Module or Body Control Module (if equipped), the VCM will disable fuel to
the fuel system. If this occurs, the scan tool will display Active.
VTD Auto Learn Timer - Range (Active/Inactive): The Auto Learn Timer will indicate if the Vehicle Theft Deterrent
(VTD) system is in the learn mode and has not timed out (approx 10 minutes).
PCM/VCM in VTD Fail - Range (Yes/No): This will indicate when the VCM has received a good password from
the Passlock Module or Body Control Module (if equipped), the vehicle has
started, and a failure has occurred. The VCM will continue to enable fuel.
VTD Fuel Disable Until - Range (Yes/No): With the ignition ON and a VTD code stored, the scan tool will
display Yes.
Ignition 1 - Range (0.0-25.5 Volts): The Ignition 1 indicates the voltage of the ignition input to the
Ignition 1 On - Range (Yes/No): The Ignition 1 On indicates the presence of a valid ignition 1
signal. The normal ignition 1 voltage is approximately 13.8 volts,
but may vary between 11 and 16 volts. The VCM monitors the ignition
1 voltage to compensate for low voltage operation of the injectors and
to increase dwell time of the ignition timing signal to the distributor.
Ignition 1 Low - Range (Yes/No): The scan tool indicates whether a low ignition voltage has been
detected. A low ignition 1 voltage may degrade ignition timing and injector
operation. The normal ignition 1 voltage is approximately 13.8 volts,
but may vary between 11 and 16 volts.
Ignition 1 High - Range (Yes/No): The scan tool indicates whether a high ignition voltage has been
detected. An excessively high ignition 1 voltage could damage hardware. The
normal ignition 1 voltage is approximately 13.8 volts, but may vary
between 11 and 16 volts.
A/C Request - Range (Yes/No): The scan tool indicates the state of the A/C request input circuit.
The VCM uses the A/C request signal in order to determine whether A/C compressor
operation has been requested.
A/C Relay - Range (Yes/No): The scan tool indicates whether the A/C relay control circuit has
been commanded ON.
A/C Evaporator Switch - Range (Open/Closed): The A/C Evaporator Switch is used to indicate to the VCM if the
A/C clutch should be enabled or disabled. The switch is opened when the compressor
is between approximately 22-45.5 psi.
A/C Sec. High Pres. Switch - Range (Open/Closed): The switch notifies the VCM when the compressor pressure limit
is approached. The switch closes at a high pressure value which is calibrated
for specific platforms. The VCM monitors the secondary high pressure switch
at least every 100 ms.
Auto Recirculation - Range (ON/OFF): The Auto Recirculation mode will be commanded ON when an A/C high
pressure is detected, vehicle speed falls below a calibrated speed, and the
engine is ON. The VCM monitors the auto recirculation switch at least every
100 ms.
Fuel Level - Range (0-100%): The scan tool indicates the current percentage of fuel tank occupancy.
The float position changes the value of a variable resistor who's voltage
the VCM converts to the displayed percentage.
4WD - Range (Enable/Disable): The scan tool indicates the state of the transfer case.
4WD Low - Range (Enable/Disable): The scan tool displays the state of the 4WD Low gear.
Brake Switch - Range (Open/Closed): The Brake Switch indicates the status of the brake switch.
TR Switch: The Trans. Range indicates the current drive gear
A/B/C Range - Range (ON/OFF): The A/B/C Range indicates the current state of the transmission
range switch.
Clutch Switch - Range (ON/OFF): The scan tool indicates the current clutch switch state. When the
clutch pedal is depressed the cruise control is disabled.
Vehicle Speed- km/h - Range (0-255): The MPH - km/h indicates in MPH and in km/h how fast the drive
wheels are turning.
1-2 Solenoid - Range (ON/OFF): The scan tool indicates whether the automatic transmission's shift
solenoid is active.
2-3 Solenoid - Range (ON/OFF): The scan tool indicates whether the automatic transmission's shift
solenoid is active.
3-2 Downshift Solenoid - Range (ON/OFF): The scan tool indicates whether the automatic transmission's shift
solenoid is active.
TCC Enable - Range (Yes/No): The scan tool indicates whether or not the VCM commanded the TCC
enable solenoid to an active state.
TCC Duty Cycle - Range (0-100%): The scan tool indicates the amount that the VCM commands the TCC
ON. The TCC solenoid is pulse modulated to provide a determined amount of
pressure, which is translated into a percentage of the supply pressure.
An open solenoid circuit would cause the duty cycle to be fixed at maximum.
Cruise - Range (Enable/Disable): The Cruise Mode indicates if the driver has requested the cruise
Decel Fuel Mode - Range (Active/Inactive): The scan tool indicates whether the vehicle is in fuel cutoff mode.
Mileage Since DTC Clear - Range (Km/Mi): The scan tool indicates the total distance the vehicle has traveled
since the DTCs were cleared.
DTC Set this Ignition - Range (Yes/No): The scan tool indicates whether or not any DTC has set during the
current ignition cycle.
Engine Run Time - Range (0:00:00-18:12:15) Hours: Minutes: Seconds: The Engine Run Time is a measure of how long the engine has run
during this ignition cycle. When the engine stops running, the timer resets
to zero.
HO2S Data
Engine Speed - Range (0-16384 RPM): The VCM computes the Engine Speed from the fuel control reference
input. The speed should remain close to the desired idle under the various
engines loads with the engine idling.
Desired Idle Speed - Range (0-3187 RPM): The VCM commands the desired IAC. The VCM compensates for various
engine loads in order to maintain the desired idle speed.
IAC Position - Range (0-255) Counts: The scan tool displays in counts the Idle Air Control (IAC) pintle
position commanded from the VCM. The greater the number of counts, the greater
the command idle speed (air passages opened) is. The idle air control should
respond fairly quickly to changes in the engine load in order to maintain
the desired idle RPM.
Desired IAC Position - Range (0-255) Counts: The desired IAC indicates the desired IAC position.
Throttle Position (TP) Sensor - Range (0.0-5.0 Volts): The VCM uses the Throttle Position in order to determine the amount
of throttle demanded by the operator of the vehicle. The TP sensor reads
between 0.36-0.96 volts at idle to above 4.0 volts
at Wide Open Throttle (WOT).
TP Angle - Range (0-100%): The VCM computes the TP Angle from the TP signal voltage input.
The TP Angle should read 0% at idle. AT 0%, the TP voltage will read below
0.90 volts. The TP Angle should read 100% at Wide Open Throttle.
Start Up ECT - Range -40°-215°C (-40°-419° F): When the engine is started, the VCM records the engine coolant
temperature. The VCM uses the recorded temperature in order to calculate
the time to a Closed Loop.
ECT - Range -40°-215°C (-40°-419°F): The Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor is mounted in the intake
the intake manifold. The ECT sends the engine temperature information to the
VCM. The VCM supplies 5 volts to the ECT sensor circuit. The sensor
is a thermistor which changes the internal resistance as the temperature
changes. When the sensor is cold meaning the internal resistance is high,
the VCM monitors a high voltage signal. The VCM interprets the high voltage
signal as a cold engine. As the sensor warms meaning the internal resistance
decreases, the voltage signal decreases. The VCM interprets the lower resistance
as a warm engine.
ECT Sensor - Range (0.0-5.0 Volts): The Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor is mounted in the intake
the intake manifold. The ECT sends the engine temperature information to the
VCM. The VCM supplies 5 volts to the ECT sensor circuit. The sensor
is a thermistor which changes the internal resistance as the temperature
changes. When the sensor is cold meaning the internal resistance is high,
the VCM monitors a high voltage signal. The VCM interprets the high voltage
signal as a cold engine. As the sensor warms meaning the internal resistance
decreases, the voltage signal decreases. The VCM interprets the lower resistance
as a warm engine.
Loop Status - Range (Open Loop/Closed Loop): The scan tool indicates whether the vehicle is in an open or closed
loop state. The VCM uses HO2S information for determining fuel delivery during
closed loop.
Pre HO2S (Not Ready/Ready): The scan tool will display the current state of the HO2S system.
Post HO2S (Not Ready/Ready): The scan tool will display the current state of the HO2S system.
Rich/Lean Bn 1 - (Rich/Lean): The Rich/Lean Bn 1 indicates the condition of the exhaust gases
in bank 1.
Rich/Lean Bn 2 - (Rich/Lean): The Rich/Lean Bn 2 indicates the condition of the exhaust gases
in bank 2.
HO2S BN 1 Sen. 1 - Range (0-1107 mV): The HO2S BN 1 Sen. 1 indicates the activity of the HO2S (Bank 1
Sensor 1).
HO2S BN 2 Sen. 1 - Range (0-1107 mV): The HO2S BN 2 Sen. 1 indicates the activity of the HO2S (Bank 2
Sensor 1).
HO2S BN 1 Sen. 3 - Range (0-1107 mV): The HO2S BN 1 Sen. 3 indicates the activity of the HO2S (Bank 1
Sensor 3).
HO2S Xcounts Bn 1 - Range (0-255): The HO2S Xcounts Bn 1 indicates the number of times that the HO2S
(Bank 1 Sensor 1) crosses a threshold.
HO2S Xcounts Bn 2 - Range (0-255): The HO2S Xcounts Bn indicates the number of times that the HO2S
(Bank 2 Sensor 1) crosses a threshold.
CL Since Restart - Range (Yes/No): The Closed Loop Since Restart indicates whether or not the vehicle
has been in a closed loop state.
Air Fuel Ratio - Range (0.0:1-25.5:1): The scan tool indicates the VCM calculated air to fuel ratio. The
typical air to fuel ratio is 14.7:1.
Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor - Range (0.0-5.0 Volts): The MAP sensor produces a low signal voltage when the manifold
pressure is low. A low manifold pressure means a high vacuum. The MAP sensor
produces a high signal voltage when the manifold pressure is high. A high
manifold pressure means a low vacuum. With the ignition ON and the engine
stopped, the manifold pressure equals the atmospheric pressure causing
the signal voltage to be high. The VCM uses this information as an indication
of the vehicle's altitude. This information is referred to as the BARO.
Comparison of this BARO reading with a known good vehicle with the same
sensor is a good way to check accuracy of a suspect sensor. The readings
should read the same +0.4 volt.
Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) - Range (10 kPa-104 kPa): The Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor measures the change
in the intake manifold pressure from the engine load and the speed changes.
As the intake manifold pressure increases, the air density in the intake
manifold also increases. Additional fuel is required.
MAF - Range 0-512 g/s: The VCM converts the Mass Air Flow sensor input signal into grams
per second. The MAF indicates the amount of air entering the engine.
MAF Frequency (Hertz): The VCM converts the Mass Air Flow sensor input signal into grams
per second or hertz. The MAF indicates the amount of air entering the engine.
Vehicle Speed- km/h - Range (0-255): The MPH - km/h indicates in MPH and in km/h how fast the drive
wheels are turning.
Engine Load - Range (0-100%): The VCM determines the engine load based upon the engine speed
and MAF sensor readings. Engine Load increases with any increase in RPM and/or
Long Term Fuel Trim (FT) Bn 1 - Percentage of Compensation Required: The Long Term Fuel Trim (FT) is derived from the short term fuel
trim value. The VCM uses the Long Term Fuel Trim for the long-term correction
of the fuel delivery. A value of 128 counts (0% indicates that the
fuel delivery requires no compensation to maintain a 14.7:1 air to fuel
ratio. A value below 128 counts means that the fuel system is too
rich and the fuel delivery is being reduced, decreased injector pulse width.
A value above 128 counts indicates that a lean condition exists.
The VCM compensates by adding fuel, increased injector pulse width.
Long Term Fuel Trim (FT) Bn 1 - Range (0-255 Counts): The Long Term Fuel Trim (FT) is derived from the short term fuel
trim value. The VCM uses the Long Term Fuel Trim for the long-term correction
of the fuel delivery. A value of 128 counts (0% indicates that the
fuel delivery requires no compensation to maintain a 14.7:1 air to fuel
ratio. A value below 128 counts means that the fuel system is too
rich and the fuel delivery is being reduced, decreased injector pulse width.
A value above 128 counts indicates that a lean condition exists.
The VCM compensates by adding fuel, increased injector pulse width.
Long Term Fuel Trim (FT) Bn 2 - Percentage of Compensation Required: The Long Term Fuel Trim (FT) is derived from the short term fuel
trim value. The VCM uses the Long Term Fuel Trim for the long-term correction
of the fuel delivery. A value of 128 counts (0% indicates that the
fuel delivery requires no compensation to maintain a 14.7:1 air to fuel
ratio. A value below 128 counts means that the fuel system is too
rich and the fuel delivery is being reduced, decreased injector pulse width.
A value above 128 counts indicates that a lean condition exists.
The VCM compensates by adding fuel, increased injector pulse width.
Long Term Fuel Trim (FT) Bn 2 - Range (0-255 Counts): The Long Term Fuel Trim (FT) is derived from the short term fuel
trim value. The VCM uses the Long Term Fuel Trim for the long-term correction
of the fuel delivery. A value of 128 counts (0% indicates that the
fuel delivery requires no compensation to maintain a 14.7:1 air to fuel
ratio. A value below 128 counts means that the fuel system is too
rich and the fuel delivery is being reduced, decreased injector pulse width.
A value above 128 counts indicates that a lean condition exists.
The VCM compensates by adding fuel, increased injector pulse width.
Short Term Fuel Trim (FT) Bn 1 - Percentage of Compensation Required: The short term fuel trim was formerly the fuel integrator. The
short term fuel trim represents a short-term correction to the fuel delivery
by the VCM in response to the amount of time the HO2S voltage spends above
or below the 450 mV threshold. A HO2S voltage reading below 450 mV
indicates a lean air to fuel mixture. If the HO2S voltage has mainly been
below 450 mV threshold, the short term fuel trim increases in order
to tell the VCM to add fuel. If the HO2S voltage stays mainly above the
threshold, the VCM reduces the fuel delivery in order to compensate for
the indicated rich condition.
Short Term Fuel Trim (FT) Bn 1 - Range (0-255 Counts): The short term fuel trim was formerly the fuel integrator. The
short term fuel trim represents a short-term correction to the fuel delivery
by the VCM in response to the amount of time the HO2S voltage spends above
or below the 450 mV threshold. A HO2S voltage reading below 450 mV
indicates a lean air to fuel mixture. If the HO2S voltage has mainly been
below 450 mV threshold, the short term fuel trim increases in order
to tell the VCM to add fuel. If the HO2S voltage stays mainly above the
threshold, the VCM reduces the fuel delivery in order to compensate for
the indicated rich condition.
Short Term Fuel Trim (FT) Bn 2 - Percentage of Compensation Required: The short term fuel trim was formerly the fuel integrator. The
short term fuel trim represents a short-term correction to the fuel delivery
by the VCM in response to the amount of time the HO2S voltage spends above
or below the 450 mV threshold. A HO2S voltage reading below 450 mV
indicates a lean air to fuel mixture. If the HO2S voltage has mainly been
below 450 mV threshold, the short term fuel trim increases in order
to tell the VCM to add fuel. If the HO2S voltage stays mainly above the
threshold, the VCM reduces the fuel delivery in order to compensate for
the indicated rich condition.
Short Term Fuel Trim (FT) Bn 2 - Range (0-255 Counts): The short term fuel trim was formerly the fuel integrator. The
short term fuel trim represents a short-term correction to the fuel delivery
by the VCM in response to the amount of time the HO2S voltage spends above
or below the 450 mV threshold. A HO2S voltage reading below 450 mV
indicates a lean air to fuel mixture. If the HO2S voltage has mainly been
below 450 mV threshold, the short term fuel trim increases in order
to tell the VCM to add fuel. If the HO2S voltage stays mainly above the
threshold, the VCM reduces the fuel delivery in order to compensate for
the indicated rich condition.
Fuel Trim Cell - Range (0-22) Cell: The Fuel Trim Cell is dependent upon the engine speed and the MAP
sensor readings. A plot of the RPM vs the MAP sensor readings. A plot of
the RPM vs the MAP is broken into 22 cells. The Fuel Trim Cell indicates
which cell is currently active.
Fuel Trim Enable - Range (Yes/No): The Fuel Trim Enable indicates the state of the fuel trim (Enable/Disabled)
that the VCM is commanding. Fuel trim will be disabled when the vehicle is
not in closed loop, malfunction codes related to fuel trim are set, large
amounts of purge vapor are injested by the engine, or additional diagnostics
that temporarily affect fuel trim operation are active.
Inj. PWM Avg. Bank 1 - Range (0-499 ms): The Inj. Avg. Bank 1 indicates the injector on time that the VCM
is commanding.
Inj. PWM Avg. Bank 2 - Range (0-499 ms): The Inj. Avg. Bank 2 indicates the injector on time that the VCM
is commanding.
EVAP Canister Purge - OFF/ON: The EVAP Canister Purge pulls a small vacuum on the entire evaporative
emission system. The scan tool displays if the EVAP Canister Purge Solenoid
Valve is currently OFF or ON. When the scan tool displays ON, the small
vacuum is being applied.
EVAP Duty Cycle - Range (0-100%): The scan tool indicates the EVAP duty cycle that the VCM is commanding.
The EVAP duty cycle is a pulse modulated signal which is translated into a
direct percentage of the maximum commandable state.
EGR Duty Cycle - (0%-100%): The EGR Duty Cycle determines a percentage of time the valve is
being opened and closed.
Actual EGR Position - Range (0-100%): The Actual EGR Position indicates the actual EGR position in a
Desired EGR Position - Range (0-199.9%): The Desired EGR Position indicates the desired EGR position in
a percentage.
Brake Switch - Range (Open/Closed): The Brake Switch indicates the status of the brake switch.
Mileage Since DTC Clear - Range (Km/Mi): The scan tool indicates the total distance the vehicle has traveled
since the DTCs were cleared.
DTC Set this Ignition - Range (Yes/No): The scan tool indicates whether or not any DTC has set during the
current ignition cycle.
Engine Run Time - Range (0:00:00-18:12:15) Hours: Minutes: Seconds: The Engine Run Time is a measure of how long the engine has run
during this ignition cycle. When the engine stops running, the timer resets
to zero.
Misfire Data
Engine Speed - Range 0-16384 RPM: The VCM computes the Engine Speed from the fuel control reference
input. The speed should remain close to the desired idle under the various
engines loads with the engine idling.
Misfire Current Cyl. #1: The scan tool will display the number of current cylinder misfires.
Misfire Current Cyl. #2: The scan tool will display the number of current cylinder misfires.
Misfire Current Cyl. #3: The scan tool will display the number of current cylinder misfires.
Misfire Current Cyl. #4: The scan tool will display the number of current cylinder misfires.
Misfire Current Cyl. #5: The scan tool will display the number of current cylinder misfires.
Misfire Current Cyl. #6: The scan tool will display the number of current cylinder misfires.
Cycles of Misfire Data - Range (0-100): Displays which engine cycle of the 100 engine cycle test the VCM
is collecting data for.
Total Misfire Current Count - Range (0-255): The Total Misfire Current Count indicates the total number of cylinder
firing events that the VCM detected as being misfires during the last 200
crankshaft revolution sample period. Misfire is diagnosed using crankshaft
speed variations in relation with engine speed and load data.
Engine Speed - Range 0-16384 RPM: The VCM computes the Engine Speed from the fuel control reference
input. The speed should remain close to the desired idle under the various
engines loads with the engine idling.
Misfire History Cyl. #1: The scan tool will display the number of history cylinder misfires.
Misfire History Cyl. #2: The scan tool will display the number of history cylinder misfires.
Misfire History Cyl. #3: The scan tool will display the number of history cylinder misfires.
Misfire History Cyl. #4: The scan tool will display the number of history cylinder misfires.
Misfire History Cyl. #5: The scan tool will display the number of history cylinder misfires.
Misfire History Cyl. #6: The scan tool will display the number of history cylinder misfires.
Inj. PWM Avg. Bank 1 - Range (0-499 ms): The Inj. Avg. Bank 1 indicates the injector on time that the VCM
is commanding.
Inj. PWM Avg. Bank 2 - Range (0-499 ms): The Inj. Avg. Bank 2 indicates the injector on time that the VCM
is commanding.
Total Misfire Failures - Range (0-255): The Total Misfire Failures indicates the total number of cylinder
firing events that the VCM determined as misfires during the last 200 crankshaft
revolution sample.
Total Misfire Passes Since First Failure - Range (0-65,535): The Total Misfire Passes Since First Fail indicates the total number
of cylinder firing events that the VCM detected as being good since the first
TP Angle - Range (0-100%): The VCM computes the TP Angle from the TP signal voltage input.
The TP Angle should read 0% at idle. AT 0%, the TP voltage will read below
0.90 volts. The TP Angle should read 100% at Wide Open Throttle.
ECT - Range -40°-215°C (-40°-419°F): The Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor is mounted in the intake
the intake manifold. The ECT sends the engine temperature information to the
VCM. The VCM supplies 5 volts to the ECT sensor circuit. The sensor
is a thermistor which changes the internal resistance as the temperature
changes. When the sensor is cold meaning the internal resistance is high,
the VCM monitors a high voltage signal. The VCM interprets the high voltage
signal as a cold engine. As the sensor warms meaning the internal resistance
decreases, the voltage signal decreases. The VCM interprets the lower resistance
as a warm engine.
Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor - Range (0.0-5.0 Volts): The MAP sensor produces a low signal voltage when the manifold
pressure is low. A low manifold pressure means a high vacuum. The MAP sensor
produces a high signal voltage when the manifold pressure is high. A high
manifold pressure means a low vacuum. With the ignition ON and the engine
stopped, the manifold pressure equals the atmospheric pressure causing
the signal voltage to be high. The VCM uses this information as an indication
of the vehicle's altitude. This information is referred to as the BARO.
Comparison of this BARO reading with a known good vehicle with the same
sensor is a good way to check accuracy of a suspect sensor. The readings
should read the same +0.4 volt.
Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) - Range (10 kPa-104 kPa): The Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor measures the change
in the intake manifold pressure from the engine load and the speed changes.
As the intake manifold pressure increases, the air density in the intake
manifold also increases. Additional fuel is required.
Engine Load - Range (0-100%): The VCM determines the engine load based upon the engine speed
and MAF sensor readings. Engine Load increases with any increase in RPM and/or
MAF - Range (0-512 g/s): The VCM converts the Mass Air Flow sensor input signal into grams
per second. The MAF indicates the amount of air entering the engine.
Brake Switch - Range (Open/Closed): The Brake Switch indicates the status of the brake switch.
A/C Request - Range (Yes/No): The scan tool indicates the state of the A/C request input circuit.
The VCM uses the A/C request signal in order to determine whether A/C compressor
operation has been requested.
A/C Relay - Range (Yes/No): The scan tool indicates whether the A/C relay control circuit has
been commanded ON.
KS Active Counter - Range (0-255): The KS Active Counter indicates the number of knock occurrences
that occur within one-eigth of a second.
Spark - Range (-96 Degrees to -255 Degrees): The Spark Advance is a display of the spark advance calculation
which the VCM is programming into the ignition system. The VCM computes the
desired spark advance using data such as the engine temperature, the RPM,
the load, the vehicle speed, and the operating mode.
Loop Status - Range (Open Loop/Closed Loop): The scan tool indicates whether the vehicle is in an open or closed
loop state. The VCM uses HO2S information for determining fuel delivery during
closed loop.
Vehicle Speed- km/h - Range (0-255): The MPH - km/h indicates in MPH and in km/h how fast the drive
wheels are turning.
Clutch Switch - Range (ON/OFF): The scan tool indicates the current clutch switch state. When the
clutch pedal is depressed the cruise control is disabled.
TCC Enable - Range (Yes/No): The scan tool indicates whether or not the VCM commanded the TCC
enable solenoid to an active state.
TCC Duty Cycle - Range (0-100%): The scan tool indicates the amount that the VCM commands the TCC
ON. The TCC solenoid is pulse modulated to provide a determined amount of
pressure, which is translated into a percentage of the supply pressure.
An open solenoid circuit would cause the duty cycle to be fixed at maximum.
DTC Set this Ignition - Range (Yes/No): The scan tool indicates whether or not any DTC has set during the
current ignition cycle.
Engine Run Time - Range (0:00:00-18:12:15) Hours: Minutes: Seconds: The Engine Run Time is a measure of how long the engine has run
during this ignition cycle. When the engine stops running, the timer resets
to zero.
Engine Speed - Range 0-16384 RPM: The VCM computes the Engine Speed from the fuel control reference
input. The speed should remain close to the desired idle under the various
engines loads with the engine idling.
Desired Idle Speed - Range (0-3187 RPM): The VCM commands the desired IAC. The VCM compensates for various
engine loads in order to maintain the desired idle speed.
Throttle Position (TP) Sensor - Range (0.0-5.0 volts): The VCM uses the Throttle Position in order to determine the amount
of throttle demanded by the operator of the vehicle. The TP sensor reads
between 0.36-0.96 volts at idle to above 4.0 volts
at Wide Open Throttle (WOT).
TP Angle - Range (0-100%): The VCM computes the TP Angle from the TP signal voltage input.
The TP Angle should read 0% at idle. AT 0%, the TP voltage will read below
0.90 volts. The TP Angle should read 100% at Wide Open Throttle.
ECT - Range -40°-215°C (-40°-419°F): The Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor is mounted in the intake
the intake manifold. The ECT sends the engine temperature information to the
VCM. The VCM supplies 5 volts to the ECT sensor circuit. The sensor
is a thermistor which changes the internal resistance as the temperature
changes. When the sensor is cold meaning the internal resistance is high,
the VCM monitors a high voltage signal. The VCM interprets the high voltage
signal as a cold engine. As the sensor warms meaning the internal resistance
decreases, the voltage signal decreases. The VCM interprets the lower resistance
as a warm engine.
IAT - Range (-40°-151°C): The VCM converts the resistance of the Intake Air Temperature (IAT)
sensor to degrees. The VCM uses the intake air temperature in order to adjust
the fuel delivery and the spark timing according to the incoming air density.
Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor - Range (0.0-5.0 volts): The MAP sensor produces a low signal voltage when the manifold
pressure is low. A low manifold pressure means a high vacuum. The MAP sensor
produces a high signal voltage when the manifold pressure is high. A high
manifold pressure means a low vacuum. With the ignition ON and the engine
stopped, the manifold pressure equals the atmospheric pressure causing
the signal voltage to be high. The VCM uses this information as an indication
of the vehicle's altitude. This information is referred to as the BARO.
Comparison of this BARO reading with a known good vehicle with the same
sensor is a good way to check accuracy of a suspect sensor. The readings
should read the same +0.4 volt.
Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) - Range (10 kPa-104 kPa): The Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor measures the change
in the intake manifold pressure from the engine load and the speed changes.
As the intake manifold pressure increases, the air density in the intake
manifold also increases. Additional fuel is required.
Barometric Pressure (BARO) - Range (0.0-5.0 Volts): The BARO represents a measurement of the barometric air pressure.
This measurement is determined by using the Manifold Air Pressure (MAP) sensor
in order to determine the manifold vacuum. Since the barometric air pressure
depends on the altitude, the measurement may vary from 100 kPa (sea
level) to 60 kPa (14,000 ft).
Barometric Pressure (BARO) Sensor - Range (0 kPa-62 kPa): The VCM determines the displayed BARO reading from the MAP sensor
at the ignition ON and the engine OFF and the WOT conditions. The BARO reading
displayed represents the barometric pressure. The VCM uses the displayed
BARO readings in order to compensate for the altitude differences.
MAF - Range (0-512 g/s): The VCM converts the Mass Air Flow sensor input signal into grams
per second. The MAF indicates the amount of air entering the engine.
EVAP Canister Purge - (ON/OFF): The EVAP Canister Purge pulls a small vacuum on the entire evaporative
emission system. The scan tool displays if the EVAP Canister Purge Solenoid
Valve is currently OFF or ON. When the scan tool displays ON, the small
vacuum is being applied.
EVAP Duty Cycle - Range (0-100%): The scan tool indicates the EVAP duty cycle that the VCM is commanding.
The EVAP duty cycle is a pulse modulated signal which is translated into a
direct percentage of the maximum commandable state.
EVAP Vent Solenoid - (Closed/Open): The scan tool will show the status of the EVAP Vent Solenoid.
Fuel Tank Pressure - (-20-7 in. H2O): The scan tool indicates the current fuel tank pressure that is
converted by the VCM using the fuel tank pressure sensor signal voltage.
As pressure decreases a greater vacuum is created.
Excess Vacuum Test - (Pass/Not R/F): The Excess Vacuum Test will fail if the fuel tank vacuum builds
at an excessive rate during normal EVAP canister purge. A restricted vent
valve or vent valve hoses will cause improper venting.
Weak Vacuum Test - (Pass/Not R/F): The Weak Vacuum Test only runs if the Loaded Canister Test does
not pass. Insufficient vacuum buildup during normal purge operation with
the vent valve closed will cause this test to fail.
Small Leak Test - (Pass/Not R/F): The Small Leak Test runs immediately after the Weak Vacuum Test.
The EVAP system is closed and the fuel tank vacuum is monitored by the VCM.
A high loss of vacuum rate will cause this test to fail. This test may
run up to three times before reporting a failure.
Purge Leak Test - (Pass/Not R/F): The Purge Leak Test runs only after a cold start occurred during
the current ignition and the Weak Vacuum Test did not fail. The VCM commands
both the purge and vent valves closed. If a vacuum builds, then the restricted
or inoperative vent valve will cause this test to fail.
Fuel Level - Range (0-100%): The scan tool indicates the current percentage of fuel tank occupancy.
The float position changes the value of a variable resistor who's voltage
the VCM converts to the displayed percentage.
Fuel Level Sensor - (0.0-2.9 Volts): The scan tool will display the voltage coming from the Fuel Level
Sensor which will vary from .39 volts to 2.9 volts.
Rich/Lean Bn 1 - (Rich/Lean): The Rich/Lean Bn 1 indicates the condition of the exhaust gases
in bank 1.
Rich/Lean Bn 2 - (Rich/Lean): The Rich/Lean Bn 2 indicates the condition of the exhaust gases
in bank 2.
Loop Status - Range (Open Loop/Closed Loop): The scan tool indicates whether the vehicle is in an open or closed
loop state. The VCM uses HO2S information for determining fuel delivery during
closed loop.
Engine Load - Range (0-100%): The VCM determines the engine load based upon the engine speed
and MAF sensor readings. Engine Load increases with any increase in RPM and/or
Fuel Trim Cell - Range (0-22) Cell: The Fuel Trim Cell is dependent upon the engine speed and the MAP
sensor readings. A plot of the RPM vs the MAP sensor readings. A plot of
the RPM vs the MAP is broken into 22 cells. The Fuel Trim Cell indicates
which cell is currently active.
Knock Adjust Factor - Range (-90-90°): The knock sensor is a piezoelectric device which detects vibration
due to spark knock. The VCM converts the knock sensor signal according to
calibrated values; thus allowing the engine to operate at optimum spark
advance with out knock to improve driveability and fuel economy.
Engine Run Time - Range (0:00:00-18:12:15) Hours: Minutes: Seconds: The Engine Run Time is a measure of how long the engine has run
during this ignition cycle. When the engine stops running, the timer resets
to zero.