| Action
| Value(s)
| Yes
| No
| Was the
Brake Warning System Check performed?
| --
| Go to
Step 4
| Go to
Brake Warning System Check
- Disconnect the 2-way combination valve harness connector from
the 4WAL Electro-Hydraulic Control Unit (EHCU).
- Connect terminal A of the 2-way combination valve harness connector
to ground by using a jumper wire.
- Turn the ignition switch to the RUN position.
Does the BRAKE warning lamp turn on?
| --
| Go to
Step 5
| Go to
Step 3
| Check for an
open BRAKE warning lamp.
Is the BRAKE warning lamp open?
| --
| Go to
Step 10
| Go to
Step 4
| Check for an open condition
in the BRAKE warning lamp wiring circuit.
Is the wiring check complete?
| --
| Go to
Step 5
| --
- Attach a hose to the rear bleeder screw.
- Immerse the other end of the hose in a container partially filled
with brake fluid.
- Make sure that the brake fluid level in the master cylinder reservoir
is full.
- Turn the ignition switch to the RUN position.
- Depress the brake pedal and hold at moderate pressure.
- Open the rear bleeder screw.
Does the BRAKE warning lamp turn on?
| --
| Go to
Step 6
| Go to
Step 9
- Close the rear bleeder screw.
- Release the brake pedal.
- Apply moderate pressure to the brake pedal.
Does the BRAKE warning lamp turn on?
| --
| Go to
Brake Warning System Check
| Go to
Step 7
- Attach a hose to the front bleeder screw.
- Immerse the other end of the hose in a container partially filled
brake fluid.
- Make sure the brake fluid level in the master cylinder is correct.
- Depress the brake pedal and hold at moderate pressure.
- Open the front bleeder screw.
Does the BRAKE warning lamp turn on?
| --
| Go to
Step 8
| Go to
Step 9
- Close the front bleeder screw.
- Release the brake pedal.
- Apply moderate pressure to the brake pedal.
Does the BRAKE warning lamp turn off?
| --
| Go to
Brake Warning System Check
| Go to
Step 9
| Replace combination
valve. Refer to
Combination Valve Replacement
in Hydraulic Brakes.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| Go to
Brake Warning System Check
| --
| Replace the BRAKE warning lamp.
Is the repair complete?
| --
| Go to
Brake Warning System Check
| --