The liftgate or rear access panels can be released by pressing the liftgate touchpad or the rear access panel switches respectively. The front doors must be unlocked, the transaxle must be in park or a vehicle with a manual transaxle, the vehicle must be stationary for the liftgate and/or the rear access panels to release.
The access panel release system consists of a primary relay, three secondary relays, three diodes, three release switches and three latches. When the appropriate release switch is pressed, the liftgate release signal circuit to the body control module (BCM) is grounded, the BCM detects a drop in voltage and the BCM enables the access panel release system by supplying voltage to the L/GATE RELSE relay coil. With the relay energized, battery positive voltage is allowed from the relay switched input through the switch contacts and out the relay switched output to the access panel release system and to the appropriate access panel/liftgate relay and latch. The release switch, when pressed, simultaneously provides a ground for the appropriate coil side access panel/liftgate relay, a diode prevents feedback in the liftgate release switch signal circuit.
When the appropriate rear access panel relay is energized, a ground circuit is provided for the appropriate access panel latch through the relay switch ground circuit allowing current to flow through the appropriate rear access panel latch and releasing the appropriate rear panel. Ground for the rear access panel relays is provided by G301.
The liftgate release system is different from the side access panel release system, when the relay is energized, battery positive voltage is allowed from the relay switched input through the switch contacts and out the relay switched output to the liftgate door latch release actuator and releasing the liftgate. Ground for the liftgate door latch release actuator is provided by G402.