Compress the park brake cable return spring and release the park brake cable fitting (1) from the park brake apply lever and remove the brake shoe (2).
Clean the drum brake backing plate of any dirt and debris.
Apply a light coat of high temperature brake lubricant to the drum brake backing plate brake shoe contact surfaces.
Compress the park brake cable return spring and install the park brake cable fitting (1) to the park brake apply lever and position the brake shoe (2) to the drum brake backing plate.
Install the lower brake shoe return spring (1).
Position the primary brake shoe (1) to the drum brake backing plate and connect the brake shoe to the lower brake shoe return spring.
Install the upper brake shoe return spring (1).
Spread the top of the brake shoes apart slightly and install the brake shoe adjuster (1).
Install the 2 hold down spring and cup assembly pins.
Install the brake shoe hold down spring and cup (1) assemblies by compressing the spring and rotating the assembly ¼ turn.
Install the brake adjuster actuator lever (1).
Install the brake adjuster actuator lever spring (1).