Subject: | EI08221 - 3.5L, 3.9L, LZ9, LZE, LZ4, LZ8 Engine Oil Leak at Front or Rear of Engine (Engineering Information) |
Models: | 2007 Chevrolet Impala, Monte Carlo |
with 3.5L or 3.9L Engine (VINs 1, K, N, or R) |
Attention: | Proceed with this bulletin ONLY if the customer has commented about this concern AND the EI number is listed in GMVIS. If the customer has not commented about this condition or the EI does not show in GMVIS, disregard the bulletin and proceed with diagnostics found in published service information. THIS IS NOT A RECALL - refer to Service Bulletin 04-00-89-053B for more details on the use of Engineering Information bulletins. |
Some customers may comment on a oil leak coming from the engine.
GM Engineering has noticed an increase in replacements of the engine oil pan gasket. Engineering would like to better understand what is causing oil pan gaskets to be replaced. If a customer brings their vehicle in for a complaint of an engine oil leak, complete the following diagnostic steps, noting all information on the repair order:
Important: If the engine oil life is less than 25%, it will be necessary to change the oil before adding dye.
Important: If the leak is originating at the rear of the engine, the transmission and flywheel will need to be pulled in order to determine the exact origin of the leak.
If the leak is originating at the front of the engine, the crankshaft balancer will need to be removed to determine the exact origin of the leak.- | at the front or rear of the oil pan, proceed to Step 11. |
- | all other engine locations, proceed to Step 12. |
Important: DO NOT remove the oil pan gasket separately and reposition it with the oil pan. Be extremely careful not to contaminate the oil pan gasket with the residual oil from the engine. |
11.1. | Carefully remove the oil pan, making sure to keep the gasket with the pan during removal. |
11.2. | Inspect the oil pan sealing surfaces on the engine and oil pan. Note the amount (size/thickness) and location of the RTV that may be seen on the sealing surfaces. |
11.3. | Once the inspection is complete, contact engineer Christina Connor at 248-676-1792. If Christina is not available, leave a message with the following information. If Christina is unable to respond within one hour, proceed with Step 12. |
- | Tech name, date and time of call. |
- | Dealer name, dealer code and phone number |
- | Complete VIN and repair order number |
Important: Be sure the complete VIN, mileage and repair order number are listed on all documentation.
E-mail digital photos of the leak (within 24 hours of the vehicle being repaired) to:
For vehicles repaired under warranty, use:
Labor Operation | Description | Labor Time |
J7532 | Engine Oil Leak Analysis -- Engineering Information | 0.6 hr |
Add: | Oil change prior to leak testing | 0.3 hr |
Extended test drive | 0.9 hr | |
Repair leak at oil pan | 2.6 hrs | |
Repair leak at rear main seal | 4.6 hrs | |
Repair leak at front crank seal | 0.9 hr | |
Refer to E2020 for appropriate alignment times | Use Published Labor Operation Time |