The wiring circuits in the vehicle are protected from short circuits by a combination of fuses, circuit breakers and fusible thermal links. This greatly reduces the chance of fires caused by electrical problems.
Be sure you replace a bad fuse with a new one of the identical size and rating.
If you ever have a problem on the road and do not have a spare fuse, you can borrow one that has the same amperage. Just pick some feature of the vehicle that you can get along without, like the radio or cigarette lighter, and use its fuse, if it is the correct amperage. Replace it as soon as you can.
The vehicle also has a special fuse in the battery box for the 300-volt batteries. If this fuse has failed and needs to be replaced, the vehicle will be disabled and you will need to have the vehicle repaired by your dealer/retailer. Do not attempt to self-service this fuse.