Caution: Refer to Battery Disconnect Caution in the Preface section.
Notice: The front wheels of the vehicle must be maintained in the straight ahead position and the steering column must be in the LOCK position before disconnecting the steering column or intermediate shaft. Failure to follow these procedures will cause improper alignment of some components during installation and result in damage to the SIR coil assembly.
Notice: Once the steering column is removed from the vehicle, the column is extremely susceptible to damage. Dropping the column assembly on the end could collapse the steering shaft or loosen the plastic injections, which maintain column rigidity. Leaning on the column assembly could cause the jacket to bend or deform. Any of the above damage could impair the columns collapsible design. Do NOT hammer on the end of the shaft, because hammering could loosen the plastic injections, which maintain column rigidity. If you need to remove the steering wheel, refer to the Steering Wheel Replacement procedure in this section.
Important: Remove the steering column only if the following conditions exist:
• The steering column requires replacement. • The steering and the ignition lock housing require replacement. • Another operation requires the removal of the steering column.
Important: When installing, ensure the steering wheel spokes are centered diagonally and pointed downward while the front wheels are positioned in the straight ahead position.
Important: Do not let the steering column assembly hang unsupported.
Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in the Preface section.
Tighten the nut to 23 N·m (17 lb ft).
Tighten the nuts to 23 N·m (17 lb ft).
Tighten the bolt to 22 N·m (16 lb ft).