GM Service Manual Online
For 1990-2009 cars only



SUBJECT: 92-C-52 - CATALYTIC CONVERTER BEAD REPLACEMENT ----------------------------------------------

MODELS: 1992 C,K TRUCKS, M,L & G VANS EQUIPPED WITH 4.3L (LB4 OR L35) ENGINES (CALIFORNIA VEHICLES ONLY) ---------------------------------------------------------

Certain 1992 C,K Trucks, and M,L,G Vans equipped with 4.3L engines (RPO LB4 - VIN Code Z or RPO L35 - VIN Code W) and California emissions equipment (RPO NB2) and GVW less than 8500 lb. may be emitting non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) in excess of California emission standards. Excess emissions may cause a vehicle to fail state mandated emission tests.

To correct this condition, dealers are to replace the catalytic converter catalyst beads.


Involved are certain 1992 C,K Trucks, and M,L,G Vans equipped with 4.3L engines and California emissions equipment (RPO NB2) and built within the following VIN breakpoints: PLANT YEAR DIVISION MODEL PLANT CODE FROM THROUGH ---- -------- ----- ----- ----- ---- --------

1992 Chevrolet C,K Oshawa 1 SOP EOP 1992 Chevrolet C,K Pontiac E SOP EOP 1992 Chevrolet C,K Fort Wayne Z SOP EOP 1992 Chevrolet G Scarborough 4 SOP EOP 1992 Chevrolet M,L Baltimore B SOP EOP 1992 GMC C,K Oshawa 1 SOP EOP 1992 GMC C,K Pontiac E SOP EOP 1992 GMC C,K Fort Wayne Z SOP EOP 1992 GMC G Scarborough 4 SOP EOP 1992 GMC M,L Baltimore B SOP EOP

NOTICE: Dealers should confirm vehicle eligibility through VISS (Vehicle Information Service System) or ServiceNet (GMC only) prior to beginning campaign repairs. [Not all vehicles within the above break points may be involved]

Involved vehicles have been identified by Vehicle Identification Number. Computer listings containing the complete Vehicle Identification Number, customer name and address data have been prepared, and are being furnished to involved dealers with the campaign bulletin. The Customer name and address data furnished will enable dealers to follow-up with customers involved in this campaign. Any dealer not receiving a computer listing with the campaign bulletin has no involved vehicles currently assigned.

These dealer listings may contain customer names and addresses obtained from State Motor Vehicle Registration Records. The use of such motor vehicle registration data for any other purpose is a violation of law in several states. Accordingly, you are urged to limit the use of this listing to the follow-up necessary to complete this campaign.


Notice: An initial supply of parts required to complete this campaign will be preshipped to involved California dealers of record only. This preshipment will occur the week of July 22, 1996. Pre-shipped parts will be charged to dealer's open parts account.

Additional parts, if required, are to be obtained from General Motors Service Parts Operations (GMSPO). Please refer to your "involved vehicles listing" prior to ordering requirements. Normal orders should be placed on a DRO = Daily Replenishment Order. An emergency requirement should be ordered on a CSO = Customer Special Order.

Part Quantity/ Number Description Vehicle ----- ----------- ---------

25175232 Catalyst Bead Kit 1

A $30.00 Core Charge will be assigned to this part number. Removed beads are to be returned in original container for full credit. See instructions at the end of the Service Procedure.


Customers will be notified of this campaign on their vehicles by General Motors (see copy of divisional customer letter(s) included with this bulletin).

In order to ensure full protection under the emission warranty, and the right to participate in future recall, the customer notification letter recommends that customers have their vehicles serviced as soon as possible. It also advises that failure to do so could legally be determined to be lack of proper maintenance, and that the vehicle may fail a state or local emission inspection test if the recall work is not completed.


All unsold new vehicles in dealers' possession and subject to this campaign must be held and inspected/repaired per the service procedure of this campaign bulletin before customers take possession of these vehicles.

Dealers are to service all vehicles subject to this campaign at no charge to customers, regardless of mileage, age of vehicle, or ownership, from this time forward.

Customers who have recently purchased vehicles sold from your vehicle inventory, and for which there is no customer information indicated on the dealer listing, are to be contacted by the dealer. Arrangements are to be made to make the required correction according to the instructions contained in this bulletin. This could be done by mailing to such customers a copy of the appropriate divisional customer letter accompanying this bulletin. Campaign follow-up cards should not be used for this purpose, since the customer may not as yet have received the notification letter.

In summary, whenever a vehicle subject to this campaign enters your vehicle inventory, or is in your dealership for service in the future, please take the steps necessary to be sure the campaign correction has been made before selling or releasing the vehicle.

When a California emissions campaign is completed by a GM dealer, the dealer must provide the vehicle owner a "Proof Of Correction Certificate" which the owner may need to present to the California Department Of Motor Vehicles (DMV) when renewing their vehicle registration. Without this correction certificate, the owner may be unable to renew their vehicle registration.

Additional Certificates can be obtained, at no charge, from VISPAC, Incorporated by calling 1-800-269-5100, Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time. Ask for GM Item Number 1825 when ordering.


During the week of July 22, 1996, each affected California dealer will be shipped a Catalyst Bead Changer Kit, J-29132-A, for use in this campaign. This tool kit is being furnished at no charge. Additional tools kits, if required, may be purchased by contacting Kent-Moore at 1-800-345-2233.


NOTICE: Standard safety precautions should be observed including the use of safety glasses, a dust mask and hearing protection.

Arrows shown in the figures refer to the front of the vehicle.

I. BEAD REMOVAL ------------

1. With the car level on the hoist, install aspirator J-29132-2 to the tailpipe outlet and secure the support chain. The tail pipe should be cool to prevent damage to the rubber boot.

NOTICE: The aspirator filter MUST be clean prior to starting this procedure. Failure to clean the filter will prevent proper bead installation.

Connect an air supply (130 PSI) to the aspirator, see figure (1). Normal aspirator operation may be considered noisy.

NOTICE: If the vehicle has dual tail pipes, one of the tail pipes must be blocked off with sealing tape or a suitable plug.

This creates a vacuum in the converter to hold the beads in place when the fill plug is removed.


A dust mask should be worn. Particles may be emitted from the tailpipe.

2. On C,K trucks only, install a transmission support stand and remove the transmission cross member (five bolts) to allow access to the converter fill plug.

3. To remove the converter fill plug, drive a small chisel between the converter shell and the fill plug, see figure (2).


Safety glasses should be worn. Catalyst beads may be hot.

Use care not to damage the converter shell. Continue to deform the fill plug, until it can be removed with pliers, see figure (3).

NOTICE: Do not pry the fill plug from converter as damage to the converter sealing surface could result.

4. Install the catalyst remover tool J-29132-1 to fill plug opening and secure to exhaust system by wrapping the retaining chain over exhaust system. Fasten the loose end of the chain to the remover, see figure (4).

The remover can be rotated in any direction if interference is encountered.

NOTICE: The catalyst remover must be held tightly in place against the converter.

5. Disconnect the air supply from the aspirator. Remove the aspirator from the tailpipe and connect it to the exhaust opening of the catalyst remover. Reconnect the air supply to the aspirator, see figure (4).

6. Attach a shop exhaust vent hose to tail pipe.

7. Connect a second air supply to the catalyst remover air jet fitting and slowly move the control handle back and forth within a 180 degree arc. The air stream should be directed toward the rear of the converter and to both sides, see figure (5).

8. Use an air chisel equipped with tool J-29132-4 held against side of converter under the pinch weld flange, and vibrate converter along the pinch weld flange which will aide in the removal of the beads, see figure (4).

9. Disconnect both air supply lines and remove the catalyst remover tool from the converter. Leave the converter beads in the catalyst remover tool. Remove the shop exhaust hose from the tailpipe.


The catalyst beads may be hot.

II. BEAD INSTALLATION -----------------

1. Install aspirator J-29132-2 to the tailpipe outlet, secure the support chain and connect a air supply to the aspirator, see Figure (1). This creates a vacuum in the converter to pull the replacement beads into place.

NOTICE: The aspirator filter MUST be clean prior to starting this procedure. Failure to clean the filter will degrade bead installation operation.

2. Install fill tube J-29132-3 to the converter fill opening. The fill tube should be positioned to direct beads to the rear of the converter. The opening at the top of the fill tube should be pointed towards the rear of the converter, see figure (6).

3. Insert the fill tube into container of replacement catalyst so the catalyst is slowly drawn up the fill tube and into the converter, see figure (7).

NOTICE: Do not try to draw all the beads into the converter at once. The beads must be added a small amount at a time. Forcing all the beads at once may cause improper packing and not allow the proper amount beads to be installed.

4. Proceed to draw up the beads while using an air chisel equipped with tool J-29132-4 held against side of converter under the pinch weld flange. Vibrate the converter along the flange areas while slowly drawing the replacement beads into the converter.

5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 several times until the converter is full, and will not accept any more beads. It is IMPORTANT to vibrate the converter when it appears that no more beads can be drawn into the converter.

NOTICE: Replacement bead containers are shipped with about 10% more beads than required for a full bead exchange.

6. Remove the fill tube from the converter.

7. Pressed plugs are replaced with a service fill plug provided in the kit, which is expanded once in place. Lightly lubricate (with light engine oil) the head of tool J-34118, and place the replacement fill plug on the end, see figure (8).

8. Insert the fill plug, with the tool, into the bead fill hole using tool J-34118. The plug outer rim must be flat and tight against converter shell. Tighten the tool with a wrench to 35 lb, ft./48 nm torque.

NOTICE: Properly installed plugs will have a rolled ring visible on the side of the plug, see figure (9).

9. Disconnect the air supply to the aspirator and remove it from the tail pipe.

10. On C,K trucks only, install the transmission cross member (five bolts - torque to 38 lb. ft./ 52 nm.), and remove transmission support stand.

11. Empty the beads from the remover tool into the container that the replacement beads were shipped in by pouring catalyst out of fill opening. Be careful that the beads are not so hot as to melt the container.

IMPORTANT: Removed catalyst beads must returned in the container the replacement catalyst beads were shipped in.

12. Lower the vehicle.

13. Remove the material used to block off the tail pipe on vehicles equipped with dual exhausts.

14. Start the car and listen for exhaust leaks.

15. Install the GM Campaign Identification Label.

16. Clean the aspirator filter with clean, dry shop air, see figure (10).

III. REMOVED CATALYTIC CONVERTER BEADS PACKAGING -------------------------------------------

1. Affix one of the return labels to the container by placing it over the original label to properly identify its contents.

2. Place the sealed container in the original carton and affix the second return label to the carton by placing it over the original label to properly identify its contents.

3. Seal the carton and return to your administrative Parts Distribution Center for core credit.

4. Provide owner with a 'Vehicle Emission Recall Proof Of Correction' certificate.


Each vehicle corrected in accordance with the instructions outlined in this Product Campaign Bulletin will require a "Campaign Identification Label".

Each label provides a space to include the campaign number and the five (5) digit dealer code of the dealer performing the campaign service. This information may be inserted with a typewriter or a ball point pen.

Each 'Campaign Identification Label' is to be located on the radiator core support in an area which will be visible when the vehicle is brought in by the customer for periodic servicing. When installing the Campaign Identification Label, be sure to install the clear protective covering. Additional Campaign Identification Labels can be obtained from VISPAC Incorporated by calling 1-800-269-5100 (Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST). Ask for Item Number S-1015 when ordering.

Apply the "Campaign Identification Label" only on a clean, dry surface.


Submit a Product Campaign Claim with the information indicated below:

REPAIR PART FAILED PARTS LABOR LABOR NET PERFORMED COUNT PART NO. ALLOW CC-FC 0P HOURS ITEM --------- ----- -------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- a) Replace Catalyst Beads - M,L,G Van 1 25175232 ** MA-96 V9895 0.7 -

b) Replace Catalyst 0.9 Beads - C,K Truck

* For Campaign Administrative Allowance, add 0.1 hours to the "Labor Hours".

** The "Parts Allowance" should be the sum total of the current GMSPO Dealer Net price plus 30% for the catalyst bead kit needed to complete the repair.

Refer to the General Motors Corporation Claims Processing Manual for details on Product Campaign Claim Submission.

Dear GMC Customer:

General Motors has decided that certain 1992 C,K Trucks, and M,L,G Vans equipped with 4.3L engines (RPO LB4 - VIN Code Z or RPO L35 - VIN Code W) and Califomia emissions equipment (RPO NB2) and GVW less than 8500 lb. may be emitting non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) in excess of California emission standards. This condition may cause a vehicle to fail state mandated emission tests.

To correct this condition, dealers are to replace the catalytic converter catalyst beads.

Instructions for performing this service have been sent to your GMC dealer, and parts are available. Please contact your GMC dealer to arrange a service date as soon as possible. This procedure will take approximately 45 to 60 minutes to complete, but you should ask how much additional time your dealer will need to schedule and process your vehicle.

Your GMC dealer is best equipped to provide service to ensure your vehicle is corrected as promptly as possible. However, if you take your vehicle to your dealer on the agreed service date and they do not service this condition on that date or within five days, we recommend you contact GMC Consumer Relations. Consumer Relations will assist you and your dealer in getting your vehicle corrected. The telephone number of the Consumer Relations office is listed in your Warranty and Owner Assistance Information Manual.

To ensure your full protection under the emission warranty made applicable to your vehicle by Federal Law, and your right to participate in future recalls, it is recommended that you have your vehicle serviced as soon as possible. Failure to do so could legally be determined to be lack of proper maintenance of your vehicle. Also, your vehicle may fail a state or local emission inspection test if the recall work is not accomplished.

Should your dealer find that your emission system has been intentionally disabled, you will be asked if you wish the system to be restored so that it will function as designed. The cost of such restoration will be your responsibility.

The enclosed postage paid owner reply card identifies your vehicle. Presentation of this card to your dealer will assist in making the necessary correction to your vehicle in the shortest possible time. If you have sold or traded your vehicle, please furnish us the complete name and address of the person you sold or traded your vehicle to and retum the card to US.


The California Air Resources Board (CARB) requires that vehicle emission recall campaigns be completed prior to California registration renewal. Uncorrected emission recall campaigns will result in the inability to renew your California vehicle registration.

At the time of emission campaign completion, your California dealer will issue a 'Campaign Certiftcate of Completion'. Keep this certificate and, if required, present it to the Department of Motor Vehicles when renewing your California registration as proof of campaign completion.

We are sorry to cause you this inconvenience; however, we have taken this action in the interest of your continued satisfaction with our product.


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General Motors bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, not a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform those technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions and know-how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, do not assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will have that condition. See a General Motors dealer servicing your brand of General Motors vehicle for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information.