GM Service Manual Online
For 1990-2009 cars only

Removal Procedure


   â€¢ The intake manifold may be removed as an assembly. Do not remove the specific intake manifold components unless component service is required.
   â€¢ It is not necessary to remove the upper intake manifold in order to remove the lower intake manifold.
   â€¢ Do not allow dirt or debris to enter the fuel system. Ensure that the ends of the fuel system are properly sealed.
   â€¢ Do not disassemble the central sequential fuel injection (SFI) unit, unless service is required.

    Object Number: 869711  Size: SH
  1. Drain the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System Draining and Filling .
  2. Remove the fuel pipes/hoses. Refer to Fuel Hose/Pipes Replacement - Engine Compartment .
  3. Remove the distributor. Refer to Distributor Replacement .
  4. Disconnect the evaporative emission (EVAP) canister harness from the purge solenoid valve.

  5. Object Number: 869718  Size: SH
  6. Remove the heater hose clamp (1).

  7. Object Number: 869717  Size: SH
  8. Open the heater outlet hose clamp and remove the hose from the intake manifold.

  9. Object Number: 869714  Size: SH
  10. Open the heater inlet hose clamp and remove the hose from the water pump.
  11. Reposition the heater inlet and outlet hoses.

  12. Object Number: 781993  Size: SH
  13. Disconnect the cruise control cable from the throttle body lever, if equipped.
  14. Remove the cruise control cable from the accelerator control cable bracket, if equipped.

  15. Object Number: 781992  Size: SH
  16. Remove the accelerator cable from the throttle body lever.

  17. Object Number: 781990  Size: SH
  18. Remove the accelerator cable from the accelerator control cable bracket.

  19. Object Number: 782175  Size: SH
  20. Disconnect the following electrical connectors:
  21. • The air conditioning (A/C) compressor clutch (1), if equipped
    • The A/C pressure switch (4), if equipped
  22. Remove the engine wiring harness clip (3) from the accelerator control cable bracket.

  23. Object Number: 398030  Size: SH
  24. Remove the accelerator control cable bracket nuts.
  25. Remove the accelerator control cable bracket with the cables attached, from the throttle body.
  26. Reposition and secure the bracket and cables out of the way.

  27. Object Number: 782174  Size: SH
  28. Disconnect the following electrical connectors:
  29. • The throttle position (TP) sensor (1)
    • The idle air control (IAC) motor (2)
    • The control port injector module (3)
  30. Remove the engine wiring harness clip bolt (4).

  31. Object Number: 782178  Size: SH
  32. Disconnect the following electrical connectors:
  33. • The EVAP canister purge solenoid valve (1)
    • The manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor (2)

    Object Number: 310241  Size: SH
  34. Remove the engine wiring harness bracket nuts.
  35. Remove the engine wiring harness bracket.

  36. Object Number: 782177  Size: SH
  37. Remove the engine wiring harness ground nut and ground wire (4) from the rear of the right cylinder head.

  38. Object Number: 782176  Size: SH
  39. Remove the engine wiring harness rear bracket nut at the EVAP canister purge solenoid valve.
  40. Remove the stud holding the engine wiring harness bracket.
  41. Reposition the engine wiring harness with the bracket aside.

  42. Object Number: 869710  Size: SH
  43. Remove the positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) valve hose from the valve cover and rocker cover.

  44. Object Number: 869713  Size: SH
  45. Disconnect the power brake booster vacuum hose from the vacuum fitting.

  46. Object Number: 367002  Size: SH
  47. Reposition the radiator inlet hose clamps.
  48. Remove the radiator inlet hose from the thermostat housing.

  49. Object Number: 182853  Size: SH
  50. Reposition the water pump inlet hose clamps.
  51. Remove the water pump inlet hose.

  52. Object Number: 340090  Size: SH
  53. In order to remove the front intake manifold bolt, perform the following:
  54. 33.1. Remove the drive belt. Refer to Drive Belt Replacement .
    33.2. Loosen the power steering (P/S) pump rear bracket nut.
    33.3. Remove the P/S pump rear bracket front nut.
    33.4. Remove the bolts and the nut for the P/S pump bracket.
    33.5. Leave the A/C compressor, if equipped, and the P/S pump on the bracket.
    33.6. Slide the P/S pump bracket forward to access the front intake manifold bolt.

    Object Number: 869728  Size: SH
  55. Remove the intake manifold-lower bolts.
  56. Remove the intake manifold.
  57. Remove and discard the intake manifold gaskets.
  58. Clean and inspect the intake manifold-lower, if necessary. Refer to Intake Manifold Cleaning and Inspection .

Installation Procedure

Notice: Apply the proper amount of the sealant when assembling this component. Excessive use of the sealant can prohibit the component from sealing properly. A component that is not sealed properly can leak leading to extensive engine damage.

    Object Number: 38512  Size: SH
  1. Apply a 4.0 mm (0.157 in) patch of adhesive to the cylinder head side of the intake manifold gasket at each end. Refer to Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealers for the correct part number.
  2. Important: The intake manifold gasket must be installed while the adhesive is still wet to the touch.

  3. Install the intake manifold gasket onto the cylinder head. Use the gasket locating pins in order to properly seat the gasket.

  4. Object Number: 26744  Size: SH

    Important: The intake manifold must be installed and the fasteners tightened while the adhesive is still wet to the touch.

  5. Apply a 5 mm (0.197 in) bead of adhesive to the front top of the engine block. Refer to Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealers for the correct part number.
  6. Extend the adhesive bead 13 mm (0.50 in) up onto each intake manifold gasket.

  7. Object Number: 26743  Size: SH
  8. Apply a 5 mm (0.197 in) bead of adhesive to the rear top of the engine block. Refer to Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealers for the correct part number.
  9. Extend the adhesive bead 13 mm (0.50 in) up onto each intake manifold gasket.

  10. Object Number: 869728  Size: SH
  11. Install the intake manifold.
  12. If reusing the old fasteners, apply threadlock to the threads of the intake manifold - lower bolts. Refer to Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealers for the correct part number.
  13. Install the intake manifold - lower bolts.
  14. Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in the Preface section.

    Object Number: 188150  Size: SH

    Notice: Proper lower intake manifold fastener tightening sequence and torque is critical. Always follow the tightening sequence, and torque the intake manifold bolts using the 3 step method. Failing to do so may distort the crankshaft bearing bore alignment and cause damage to the crankshaft bearings.

  15. Tighten the intake manifold-lower bolts in the sequence shown.
  16. Tighten

    1. Tighten the bolts a first pass to 3 N·m (27 lb in).
    2. Tighten the bolts a second pass to 12 N·m (106 lb in).
    3. Tighten the bolts a final pass to 15 N·m (11 lb ft).

    Object Number: 340090  Size: SH
  17. Slide the P/S pump bracket rearward.
  18. Install the bolts and the nut for the P/S pump bracket.
  19. Install the P/S pump rear bracket front nut.
  20. Tighten the P/S pump rear bracket nut.
  21. Tighten
    Tighten the bolts and nuts to 41 N·m (30 lb ft).

  22. Install the drive belt. Refer to Drive Belt Replacement .

  23. Object Number: 182853  Size: SH
  24. Install the water pump inlet hose.
  25. Position the water pump inlet hose clamps.

  26. Object Number: 367002  Size: SH
  27. Install the radiator inlet hose to the thermostat housing.
  28. Position the radiator inlet hose clamps.

  29. Object Number: 869713  Size: SH
  30. Connect the power brake booster vacuum hose to the vacuum fitting.

  31. Object Number: 869710  Size: SH
  32. Install the PCV valve hose to the valve cover and rocker cover.

  33. Object Number: 782176  Size: SH
  34. Position the engine wiring harness and bracket.
  35. Install the engine wiring harness bracket stud.
  36. Tighten
    Tighten the stud to 25 N·m (18 lb ft).

  37. Install the engine wiring harness rear bracket nut at the EVAP canister purge solenoid valve.
  38. Tighten
    Tighten the nut to 9 N·m (80 lb in).

    Object Number: 782177  Size: SH
  39. Install the engine wiring harness ground nut and ground wire (4) to the rear of the right cylinder head.
  40. Tighten
    Tighten the nut to 16 N·m (12 lb ft).

    Object Number: 310241  Size: SH
  41. Install the engine wiring harness bracket.
  42. Install the engine wiring harness bracket nuts.
  43. Tighten
    Tighten the nuts to 12 N·m (106 lb in).

    Object Number: 869711  Size: SH
  44. Connect the EVAP canister harness to the purge solenoid valve.

  45. Object Number: 782178  Size: SH
  46. Connect the following electrical connectors:
  47. • The EVAP canister purge solenoid valve (1)
    • The MAP sensor (2)

    Object Number: 782174  Size: SH
  48. Connect the following electrical connectors:
  49. • The TP sensor (1)
    • The IAC motor (2)
    • The control port injector module (3)
  50. Install the engine wiring harness clip bolt (4).
  51. Tighten
    Tighten the bolt to 9 N·m (80 lb in).

    Object Number: 398030  Size: SH
  52. Position the bracket and cables.
  53. Install the accelerator control cable bracket with the cables attached, to the throttle body.
  54. Install the accelerator control cable bracket nuts.
  55. Tighten
    Tighten the nuts to 9 N·m (80 lb in).

    Object Number: 782175  Size: SH
  56. Connect the following electrical connectors:
  57. • The A/C compressor clutch (1), if equipped
    • The A/C pressure switch (4), if equipped
  58. Install the engine wiring harness clip (3) to the accelerator control cable bracket.

  59. Object Number: 781990  Size: SH
  60. Install the accelerator cable to the accelerator control cable bracket.

  61. Object Number: 781992  Size: SH
  62. Install the accelerator cable to the throttle body lever.

  63. Object Number: 781993  Size: SH
  64. Install the cruise control cable to the accelerator control cable bracket, if equipped.
  65. Connect the cruise control cable to the throttle lever, if equipped.

  66. Object Number: 869714  Size: SH
  67. Position the heater inlet and outlet hoses.
  68. Open the heater inlet hose clamp and install the hose to the water pump.

  69. Object Number: 869717  Size: SH
  70. Open the heater out let hose clamp and install the hose to the intake manifold.

  71. Object Number: 869718  Size: SH
  72. Install the heater hose clamp (1).
  73. Install the fuel pipes/hoses. Refer to Fuel Hose/Pipes Replacement - Engine Compartment .
  74. Install the distributor. Refer to Distributor Replacement .
  75. Fill the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System Draining and Filling .