A procedure for replacement of the radiator support-to-frame mounting bracket has been developed. It is recommended that the following procedure be used if it becomes necessary to replace this bracket (right or left side.)
The parts listed below are required to replace one (1) bracket.
Part Number Amount Needed Description
14029193 1 Radiator Support-to-Frame Mounting Bracket 494294 4 7/16-14 Bolt, Serrated Shoulder 9422299 4 7/16-14 Nut, Torque Prevailing 3790768 4 Washer 9424320 2 Bolt 1 inch 3/8-16 9414034 2 Nut 3/8-16 9424985 1 Nut 7/16-14 Free Spin 9439512 2 Lock Washer
Refer to Figure 1.
1. Raise vehicle on twin post hoist.
2. Disconnect lower end of both front shocks.
3. Support vehicle with jack stands at frame behind front springs (both sides).
4. Lower front hoist to relieve tension on springs and remove the front spring through bolt.
5. Continue to lower front hoist until lower rivets (View A) are accessible to drilling. Caution should be taken when lowering axle to avoid damage to brake lines and vent tube.
6. Drill out lower rivets from bottom side. Drill out side rivets from inside frame side.
7. Support radiator and remove radiator support bolt and cushions. View B.
8. Remove subject bracket.
1. Drill four (4) side holes of bracket (P/N 14029193) to 15/32". Drill four (4) holes of frame to 15/32".
2. Install replacement bracket with four (4) shoulder bolts (P/N 494294) head side on bracket View C.
3. Use free spinning nut (P/N 9424985) and hardened washer (P/N 3790768), torque to 60 ft. lbs.* to seat shoulder bolt.
4. Remove free spinning nut, retain washer in place, and install 7/16 torque prevailing nut (P/N 9422299). Tighten nut to 50-55 ft. lbs.*
5. Install two 3/8-16 bolts (P/N 9424320) with nuts (P/N 9414034) and lock washers (P/N 9439512) to lower holes in bracket using 35-40 ft. lbs.* torque. View C.
6. Reassemble radiator support mount, spring through bolt and lower shock bolts.
*Do not exceed these torque values.
General Motors bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, not a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform those technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions and know-how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, do not assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will have that condition. See a General Motors dealer servicing your brand of General Motors vehicle for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information.