Charging System Check
- Visually inspect the hydrometer (built into the battery).
• | Green Eye -- Battery is charged. |
• | If battery passes load test, refer to Battery is Under Charged
or Overcharged System Diagnosis |
• | Clear or Yellow Eye -- Battery electrolyte is low. REPLACE
the battery. |
- Check that the Gererator(s) connector(s) and Generator BATTERY
connections are clean and tight.
- Check the condition of the GAUGES Fuse 4. If the fuse
is open, LOCATE and REPAIR source of overload and REPLACE the fuse.
- CHECK that the Battery connections are clean and tight.
- CHECK the Fusible Links for opens. If a Fusible Link is open,
LOCATE and REPAIR the source of the overload and REPLACE the Fusible Link.
- CHECK the condition of the Generator drive belt. REPLACE as per
Engine Cooling.
- CHECK that Grounds G100, G110, G103 and G300 are clean and tight.
- If more than one indicator lamp in the Instrument Cluster is not
lighting, than CHECK for an open in the PNK 39 wire to the Instrument Cluster.
• | CHECK for a broken or partially broken wire inside the insulation
which could cause system malfunction but prove GOOD in a Continuity/Voltage
CHECK with a system disconnected. These circuits may be intermittant or resistive
when loaded and should be checked by monitoring for a voltage drop with the
system operational (under load). |
• | CHECK for proper installation of aftermarket electronic equipment
which may affect the integrity of other systems (Refer to Trouble Shooting
Procedures, in Electrical Diagnosis). |