Starter No Load Test PG260
Tools Required
Notice: Never operate the starter motor more than 15 seconds at a time without
pausing in order to allow it to cool for at least 2 minutes. Overheating will
damage the starter motor.
Important: Verify that both batteries are in good condition.
- Disable the fuel system by removing the fuel solenoid fuse.
- Calculate the current draw. Select the 200 A or 2000 A
scale on the current clamp.
- Zero the current clamp. Clamp the J 39200
to the negative battery cable.
- Crank the engine. Observe the meter readings. The reading should
be 330 - 360 amps. If the amperage is over 360 amps,
an internal starter failure may be the cause. If the amperge is under
330 amps, a battery cable or connection may be the cause.