When the gear selector lever is moved to the Overdrive
range position (D), from either Park or Neutral, the following changes occur
to the transmissions hydraulic and electrical systems:
Manual Valve: In the Overdrive range position line pressure enters the D32 fluid
circuit. D32 fluid is routed to the end of the manual valve where it is blocked
by a valve land.
Mode Switch: Signals the TCM that the selector lever and manual valve are in
the Overdrive range (D) position.
Checkball #4: Located in the main case, it is seated against the empty 1-2
fluid circuit by D32 fluid pressure from the manual valve. D32 fluid fills
the D32/1-2 fluid circuit.
Brake Band Applies
Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) Solenoid Screen: Located in the main case valve body, it filters D32/1-2 fluid
that feeds the PWM band apply solenoid.
PWM Band Apply Solenoid: The TCM energizes the solenoid and controls the solenoid's duty
cycle depending on vehicle application and operating conditions. The duty
cycle determines the rate at which the solenoid regulates D32/1-2
fluid into the servo apply fluid circuit.
Orifice #17 (Between D32/1-2 and Servo Apply): D32/1-2 fluid also feeds the servo apply fluid circuit through
this orifice. The orifice allows servo apply fluid to exhaust during a shift
from Overdrive Range (D) to Park, Reverse or Neutral. During this shift
the PWM solenoid is at 100% duty cycle (closed). Therefore, exhausting
servo apply fluid is blocked at the closed solenoid and must exhaust through
this orifice, into the D32/1-2 fluid circuit and past the 1-2
accumulator valve.
Servo Piston: Servo apply fluid pressure acting on the piston overcomes the force
of both the servo cushion (99) and servo return (103) springs. This moves
the piston and apply pin (102) to apply the brake band and obtain First
gear. These spring forces help control the apply rate of the brake band.
1-2/3-4 Shift Solenoid: De-energized (OFF) as in Park, Reverse and Neutral, the solenoid
is closed and blocks D32/1-2 fluid pressure from acting on the solenoid
end of the valve.
1-2/3-4 Shift Valve: Spring force and D32/1-2 fluid pressure acting on the spring
end of the valve keep the valve in the First and Fourth gear position.
2-3 Shift Solenoid: Energized (ON) as in Park, Reverse and Neutral, the solenoid is
closed and blocks D32/1-2 fluid pressure from acting on the solenoid
end of the valve.
2-3 Shift Valve: Spring force and D32 fluid pressure keep the valve in the First
and Second gear position. In this position the valve blocks the D32/1-2
fluid circuit at the middle land of the valve.
1-2 Accumulator Valve Train: D32/1-2 fluid is regulated through the 1-2 accumulator
valve (320) and into the 1-2 accumulator fluid circuit. This fluid regulation
is controlled by throttle signal fluid pressure, spring force and orificed
1-2 accumulator fluid pressure. Note: The 1-2 accumulator
control valve spring (319) is not used on all models.
1-2 Accumulator Piston: 1-2 accumulator fluid pressure assists 1-2 accumulator
piston spring (316) force acting on the piston. This keeps the piston in the
First gear position in preparation for a 1-2 upshift.
Force Motor Solenoid: As in Park, Reverse, Neutral and all other gear ranges, the TCM
controls the solenoid to regulate feed limit fluid into throttle signal fluid
pressure in relation to vehicle operating conditions.
Overdrive Range, First Gear