The Oil Life index is calculated by the PCM and is displayed in a percentage (100% to 0%). The oil life will start at 100% and decrease to 0% (0% means change oil). The PCM uses many engine parameters to determine the percentage of fluid life remaining for the engine oil. The oil life index is stored in the EEPROM of the PCM. The engine oil life index can be reset with a scan tool and with the accelerator pedal. The accelerator procedure can reset engine oil life only to 100 percent. A scan tool can reset engine oil life in 1 percent increments. Oil Life only needs to be reset when a PCM is being replaced, a new calibration is being flashed into the PCM or a Change Oil message is being displayed on the IP. Disconnecting the PCM or removing the PCM for later use will not disturb the Oil Life index.
Important: Oil life must be recorded by the mechanic so it can be reprogrammed into the PCM. The Capture Info function on the scan tool will not record oil life or the Clear DTC function on the scan tool will not clear (reset) the Oil Life.
To reset Oil Life use one of the following procedures: