• | Refer to Injection Pump Wrench |
• | Refer to Injection Pump adjusting tool. |
Important: The calibrating resistor is specific to the injection pump. Do not damage the resistor. The calibrating resistor indication number is located on the front of the calibrating resistor. If the calbirating resistor is damaged or lost, the injection pump must be removed for replacement or taken to a Stanadyne dealer for calibration.
Important: The pad is designed to transfer heat geerated by the PMD to the pump housing so it can be dissipated. Do not install the fuel solenoid driver without a new heat transfer pad. Do not reuse a heat tranfer pad. Use a new heat transfer pad only. The heat transfer pad is required to prevent rapid failure of the fuel solenoid driver from overheating. It is not a seal or a gasket. The pump comes with new screws and a new heat transfer pad.
Important: Do not over tighten the fuel solenoid driver mounting screws. Damage to the fuel solenoid driver will result. Damage to the PMD from overtightening the mounting screws is very common.
Tighten the fuel solenoid driver mounting screws to 2.75 N·m
(23 lb in.)