- Verify that none of the following preliminary inspections/tests reveal the cause of the vehicle concern before beginning diagnosis:
• | Ensure that the battery is fully charged. |
• | Ensure that the battery cables are clean and tight. |
• | Ensure that the grounds are clean, tight, and in the correct location. |
• | Inspect the easily accessible systems or the visible system components for obvious damage or conditions that could cause the concern. This would include checking to ensure that all connections/connectors are fully seated and secured. |
• | Search for applicable service bulletins. |
- Install a scan tool. Verify that the scan tool powers up.
- Ignition ON, Engine OFF, verify communication with all of the control modules on the vehicle.
- Attempt to start the engine. Verify that the engine cranks.
⇒ | If the engine does not crank, repair the starting system. |
- Attempt to start the engine. Verify the engine starts and idles.
Important: Do not clear any DTCs unless instructed to do so by a diagnostic procedure.
- Use the appropriate scan tool selections to obtain DTCs from the vehicle module. Verify there are no DTCs reported from the control module.
6.2. | Component level DTCs. |