Notice: Do not use fuels containing methanol in order to prevent damage and corrosion to the fuel system.
Use regular unleaded gasoline rated at 92 octane or higher. It is recommended that the gasoline meet specifications which were developed by the American Automobile Manufacturers Association for better vehicle performance and engine protection. Gasoline meeting the AAMA specification could provide improved driveability and emission control system protection compared to other gasolines.
Be sure the posted octane is at least 92. If the octane is less than 92, you may get a heavy knocking noise when you drive. If it’s bad enough, it can damage your engine.
If you are using fuel rated at the recommended octane or higher and you still hear a heavy knocking, you engine needs service. But don’t worry if you hear a little pinging noise when you’re accelerating. That’s normal, and you don’t have to buy a higher octane fuel to get rid of pinging. It’s the heavy, constant knock that means you have a problem.
Some gasolines that are not reformulated for low emissions contain an octane-enhancing additive called methylcyclopentadlenyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT); ask your service station operator whether or not this fuel contains MMT. General Motors does not recommend the use of such gasolines. If fuels containing MMT are used, spark plug life may be reduced and your system performance may be affected.
To provide cleaner air, all gasolines in the United States are now required to contain additives that will help prevent deposits from forming in your engine and fuel system, allowing your emission control system to function properly. Therefore, you should not have to add anything to the fuel. In addition, gasolines containing oxygenates, such as ethers and ethanol, and reformulated gasolines may be available in your area to help clean the air. General Motors recommends that you use these gasolines if they comply with the specifications described earlier.
GM recommends that you use a minimum octane rating of 110(R+M/2) fuel in the ZZ572 engine with 12:1 compression ratio to prevent pre-ignition
If you plan on operating this engine in another country outside of the United States and Canada, the correct fuel may be difficult to locate. Never use leaded gasoline or any other fuel that is not recommended.