GM Service Manual Online
For 1990-2009 cars only

Object Number: 179915  Size: MF

The manual transaxle identification number is located on the top of the right case (1). The identification number is seven digits. The identification number refers to the following information:

    • The model year (2)
    • The serial number sequence (3)

Object Number: 6480  Size: SH
(1)Vehicle Identification Number
(2)Wheel Base
(3)Part Number Location
(4)Model Designation
(5)Order Number
(6)Exterior Color
(7)Paint Technology

Additional transaxle identification is located on the service parts identification label. This label contains information on the following options:

    • Regular production options (RPO)
    • Standard options
    • Mandatory options

The service parts identification label is affixed to the top of the spare tire cover of each vehicle at the assembly plant. Refer to Label - Service Parts ID in General Information for additional information on the service parts identification label.