Subject: | Service VME - Replacement of Rear Air Suspension Compressor - air appearance DTC ECAS height left low lower performance right side suspension ZM6 |
Models: | . |
When servicing the vehicle with the VIN you entered, the following diagnosis might be helpful if the vehicle exhibits the described symptoms.
In attempts to determine the reason for replacement of rear air suspension compressors on the H2, many returned components are found to be fully functional. When attempting to diagnose a reported customer concern or verifying a repair relating to the rear air suspension (option ZM6) on the H2, assure that all doors and the rear hatch are fully closed. The rear air suspension system is designed not to operate unless every vehicle closure is secured by the primary latch. This message is intended to serve as a precautionary alert to avoid unnecessary replacement of rear air suspension components.
Please follow this diagnosis process thoroughly and complete each step. If the condition exhibited is resolved without completing every step, the remaining steps do not need to be performed. If these steps do not resolve the condition, please contact GM TAC for further diagnostic assistance. This diagnostic approach was developed for the vehicle with the VIN you entered and should not be automatically be used for other vehicles with similar symptoms.