Battery Voltage: The scan tool displays 0.0-16.0 volts.
The battery voltage input represents the system voltage measured at the body control
module (BCM) ignition feed input.
Door Ajar Switch: Input from the respecting door indicating
door status.
GM Part Number: The module's part number.
Ignition Accessory: Input from ignition switch Accessory circuit.
Used to determine power mode. Hot in ACC and ON.
Ignition 0: Input to the control module from the ignition switch
indicating the Ignition 0 position. Switch closed (HOT) in ignition switch positions
Ignition 1: Input to the control module from the ignition switch
indicating the Ignition 1 position. Switch closed (HOT) in ignition switch positions
Key in Ignition: Input from ignition switch indicating that
the ignition key is inserted into the ignition switch. HOT with key in ignition switch.
Julian Date of Build: The day of the year when module was built.
Left Rear/Rear Cargo Door Ajar Switch: Input from the left rear/rear
cargo door showing the state of it.
Right Rear Door Ajar Sw.: Input from the right rear door showing
the state of it.
SWC Switch Power: Indicates the state of the supply voltage
to the steering wheel controls supply voltage.
SWC Switch Voltage: Indicates the steering wheel controls supply
Year Module Built: The year when module was built.