GM Service Manual Online
For 1990-2009 cars only

Diagnostic Instructions

    • Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
    • Review Strategy Based Diagnosis for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
    •  Diagnostic Procedure Instructions provides an overview of each diagnostic category.

Circuit / System Description

The wiring harness' for each headrest display screen are identical, they both contain power and ground, a right and left audio circuit, a video circuit, an infra-red (IR) circuit, and the a/v select circuit. The a/v select circuit, determines which source is selected to be displayed on the individual monitor. The source selection is made by pressing the source button on the display screen faceplate. Three separate sources are available. The DVD player itself is source a/v1. Each headrest display has an auxiliary input and is source a/v 2. The dvd player also has an auxiliary input and is source a/v 3.

Diagnostic Aids

The display screens in this system are wired exactly the same. In the event that one display has questionable operation, the connectors for the screens can be swapped at the a/v box to test for a display component failure or a circuit failure.

Reference Information

Schematic Reference

Video System Schematics

Connector End View Reference

Video System Schematics

Electrical Information Reference

    •  Circuit Testing
    •  Connector Repairs
    •  Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor Connections
    •  Wiring Repairs

Circuit/System Testing

  1. Verify there are no obstructions that may block the infra-red port located at the lower edge of the video display screen.
  2. If an obstruction exists, remove the obstruction.
  3. Operate the DVD player in play mode. Press multiple buttons on the remote control in succession and verify the remote is inoperative on every button pressed.
  4. Test the remote's functionality with the other screen.
  5. If the remote is inoperative, replace the remote batteries.
    If remote batteries are OK and remote remains inoperative, replace the remote control.
  6. Replace the suspect display screen containing the infra-red port if the remote and batteries are OK.

Repair Instructions

Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification after completing the diagnostic procedure.

Refer to the accessory installation instructions for replacement.