Removal Procedure
- Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical connector (1) from the
camshaft position (CMP) actuator solenoid valve (6).
- Remove the CMP actuator solenoid valve bolt (3).
- Remove the CMP actuator solenoid valve (2) from the cylinder head.
Discard the O-ring seal.
- Clean debris from the hole (1).
Installation Procedure
- Install a new O-ring seal to the actuator solenoid valve (2).
- Lightly lubricate the O-ring seal with clean engine oil.
- Install the CMP actuator solenoid valve (2) into the cylinder head.
Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in the Preface section.
- Install the camshaft position actuator solenoid valve bolt (3).
Tighten the CMP actuator solenoid valve bolt to 10 Nยทm (89 lb in).
- Connect the engine wiring harness electrical connector (1) to the CMP actuator
solenoid valve (6).