Rear Quick Release Double Check Valve Operational Check Operational Check
- Block the wheels.
- Start the engine.
- Charge the system air pressure to the governor cut-out point.
- Stop the engine.
- Release the brake pedal and push in the park control knob.
- Verify that the spring brake chambers release promptly.
- Pull out on the park control knob. Release the brake pedal.
- Verify that a prompt exhaust of air occurs at the quick release
valve (double check type) exhaust port.
- Test the slack adjuster in order to verify that the spring brake
is applied.
- Remove the wheel blocks.
Rear Quick Release Double Check Valve Operational Check Leakage Test
- Block the wheels.
- Disconnect the air line from the balance port.
- Start the engine.
- Charge the air system to the air compressor governor cut-out point.
- Stop the engine.
- Push in the park control knob.
- Inspect the
quick release valve (double check type) exhaust port and the balance port
for air leakage. Air leakage less than 25.4 mm (1 in) bubble
in 5 seconds is acceptable.
If the air leakage is excessive, overhaul or replace the quick release
valve (double check type).
- Connect the air line to the balance port.
- Pull out the park control knob.
- Disconnect the air line from the supply port.
- Ask an assistant to apply the brake pedal.
- Inspect the supply port for air leakage. Air leakage less than
25.4 mm (1 in) bubble in 5 seconds is acceptable.
If the air leakage is excessive, overhaul or replace the quick release
valve (double check type).
- Inspect the seam between the body and the cover for air leakage.
Leakage is not permissable. If any bubbles appear, overhaul or replace the
quick release valve (double check type).
- Connect the air line at the supply port.
- Inspect the air lines for leaks.
- Remove the wheel blocks.