If the wipers chatter or shudder when wiping the windshield, clean
the windshield and/or the inserts. Use a non-abrasive cleaner such as Bon
Ami® in order to clean the windshield. Continue cleaning until the water
sheets off the windshield. Use undiluted windshield washer solvent and a
clean, lint free cloth in order to clean the wiper inserts.
Use only a water-soluble marker in order to mark the windshield.
Other types of markers may damage the wiper inserts. The chemicals that are
used to remove other types of markings may damage the paint, the glass, the
inserts, or leave a residue on the glass that could lead to chatter.
Wiper arms must not be subjected to temperatures above 70°C
(160°F). Remove the wiper arms before any painting operations that include
the use of an oven in order to cure the paint.