Sealant Types
Important: The correct sealant and amount of sealant must be used in the proper
location to prevent oil leaks, coolant leaks, or the loosening of the fasteners.
DO NOT interchange the sealants. Use only the sealant (or equivalent) as
specified in the service procedure.
The following 2 major types of sealant are commonly used in engines:
• | Aerobic sealant (Room Temperature Vulcanizing (RTV)) |
• | Anaerobic sealant, which include the following: |
Aerobic Type Room Temperature Vulcanizing (RTV) Sealant
Aerobic type Room Temperature Vulcanizing (RTV) sealant cures when exposed
to air. This type of sealant is used where 2 components (such as the intake
manifold and the engine block) are assembled together.
Use the following information when using RTV sealant:
• | Do not use RTV sealant in areas where extreme temperatures are
expected. These areas include: |
- | Any other surfaces where a different type of sealant is specified
in the service procedure |
• | Always follow all the safety recommendations and the directions
that are on the RTV sealant container. |
• | Use a plastic or wood scraper in order to remove all the RTV sealant
from the plastic and aluminum components. |
| Important: Do not allow the RTV sealant to enter any blind threaded holes, as it
may prevent the fasteners from clamping properly or cause damage when the
fastener is tightened.
• | The surfaces to be sealed must be clean and dry. |
• | Use a RTV sealant bead size as specified in the service procedure. |
• | Apply the RTV sealant bead to the inside of any bolt holes areas. |
• | Assemble the components while the RTV sealant is still wet to
the touch (within 3 minutes). Do not wait for the RTV sealant to skin
over. |
• | Tighten the fasteners in sequence (if specified) and to the proper
torque specifications. DO NOT overtighten the fasteners. |
Anaerobic Type Gasket Eliminator Sealant
Anaerobic type gasket eliminator sealant cures in the absence of air.
This type of sealant is used where 2 rigid parts (such as castings) are assembled
together. When 2 rigid parts are disassembled and no sealant or gasket is
readily noticeable, then the 2 parts were probably assembled using
an anaerobic type gasket eliminator sealant.
Use the following information when using gasket eliminator sealant:
• | Always follow all the safety recommendations and directions that
are on the gasket eliminator sealant container. |
• | Apply a continuous bead of gasket eliminator sealant to one flange. |
| The surfaces to be sealed must be clean and dry. |
| Important: Do not allow the gasket eliminator sealant to enter any blind threaded
holes, as the gasket eliminator sealant may prevent the fasteners from clamping
properly, seating properly, or cause damage when the fastener tightened.
• | Apply the gasket eliminator sealant evenly to get a uniform thickness
of the gasket eliminator sealant on the sealing surface. |
| Important: Gasket eliminator sealed joint fasteners that are partially torqued
and the gasket eliminator sealant allowed to cure more than five minutes,
may result in incorrect shimming and sealing of the joint.
• | Tighten the fasteners in sequence (if specified) and to the proper torque
specifications. DO NOT overtighten the fasteners. |
• | After properly tightening the fasteners, remove the excess gasket
eliminator sealant from the outside of the joint. |
Anaerobic Type Threadlock Sealant
Anaerobic type threadlock sealant cures in the absence of air. This
type of sealant is used for threadlocking and sealing of bolts, fittings,
nuts, and studs. This type of sealant cures only when confined between 2
close fitting metal surfaces.
Use the following information when using threadlock sealant:
• | Always follow all safety recommendations and directions that are
on the threadlock sealant container. |
• | The threaded surfaces to be sealed must be clean and dry. |
• | Apply the threadlock sealant as specified on the threadlock sealant
container. |
| Important: Fasteners that are partially torqued and then the threadlock sealant
allowed to cure more than five minutes, may result in incorrect clamp load
of assembled components.
• | Tighten the fasteners in sequence (if specified) and to the proper torque
specifications. DO NOT overtighten the fasteners. |
Anaerobic Type Pipe Sealant
Anaerobic type pipe sealant cures in the absence of air and remains
pliable when cured. This type of sealant is used where 2 parts are assembled
together and require a leak proof joint.
Use the following information when using pipe sealant:
• | Do not use pipe sealant in areas where extreme temperatures are
expected. These areas include: |
- | Surfaces where a different sealant is specified |
• | Always follow all the safety recommendations and the directions
that are on the pipe sealant container. |
• | The surfaces to be sealed must be clean and dry. |
• | Use a pipe sealant bead of the size or quantity as specified in
the service procedure. |
| Important: Do not allow the pipe sealant to enter any of the blind threaded holes,
as the pipe sealant may prevent the fastener from clamping properly, or cause
component damage when the fastener is tightened.
• | Apply the pipe sealant bead to the inside of any bolt hole areas. |
• | Apply a continuous bead of pipe sealant to 1 sealing surface. |
• | Tighten the fasteners in sequence (if specified) and to the proper
torque specifications. DO NOT overtighten the fasteners. |