An exchange program is now in effect to gain needed product feedback on the 1992 2.3L Quad OHC (VIN 3) (L40) engine. This exchange program will continue through the end of the 1992 model year and will be administered by the Oldsmobile Technical Assistance System (TAS). The purpose of this program is to provide quick and helpful product feedback on any possible manufacturing related conditions which result in customer dissatisfaction.
All requirements regarding engine exchange, warranty claims, processing procedures and shipping instructions are explained below. Your cooperation in following these procedures will greatly improve the effectiveness of the program.
A. ENGINE EXCHANGE GUIDELINES: ------------------------------ Conditions which would normally require partial engine replacement or block components as indicated by the following symptoms:
1 .Knock noises deep in the engine (i.e., crankshaft or rod bearing, piston or piston pin).
2. Seized engine (i.e., engine is locked and will not turn over with spark plug removed).
3. Low or no cylinder compression.
4. Excessive oil consumption.
5. Hydraulic lock.
6. Crack or porosity in cylinder block.
7. Engine coolant in the oil, arid/or air bubbles in surge tank.
8. For a limited time (until approximately March 1992) the following conditions also qualify:
A. Conditions of excessive chain rattle noticed inside the car with engine running at idle speed.
B. Valve train noise conditions which would require removing the cylinder head.
B. EXCHANGE PROCEDURE: ---------------------- Once the above preliminary diagnosis is made and an exchange unit is deemed necessary, call the Oldsmobile Technical Assistance System (TAS), Engine Mechanical Group.
- TAS will require the VIN and engine serial number. (Engine serial number can be read from the timing chain cover. it begins with the letter 'D' and is followed by a six digit number.)
- TAS will arrange to ship a replacement engine within 48 hours. The replacement engine will be complete except for intake and exhaust manifolds, IDI, Fuel Rail, injectors and accessories (i.e., starter, accessory drive, etc.).
- A TAS case number will be provided for each engine exchange. This number must be recorded on the Identification card supplied with the replacement engine and must be affected to the engine being returned. The identification card must be filled out completely.
- To avoid a chargeback, the engine being exchanged must be returned to Lansing within 10 days in the original shipping crate. Failure to return the engine will result in the DEALERSHIP being billed the value of an exchange unit.
- The engine being replaced must be as complete as the new one received. Dealerships returning incomplete units risk being billed for missing materials.
All procedural steps must be followed to ensure the dealership is not billed for an engine.
The removed engine must be returned as complete as the new one received in the container provided, without examination of the engine other than as described above. Engine components on the removed engine must remain the same as the replacement engine shipped. Returning engines that have been even partially disassembled may result in your dealership being billed for all materials furnished.
The exchange engine will be shipped with minimum quantity of oil; add oil per specifications.
Attached to the exchange unit will be a return shipping label (freight is prepaid).
D. PREPARATION FOR SHIPPING: ---------------------------- Prior to removing the engine from the vehicle, visually check all fluid levels to assure they are within the normal operating range. if not, drain and measure the oil and coolant. Record the oil and coolant measurement results on the repair order. REPLACE THE DRAIN PLUG.
Remove engine assembly as outlined in the 1992 Achieva Service Manual. Remove all plastic shipping plugs and covers from the exchange engine and install them on the removed engine.
If the removed engine leaks, mark leak area on engine. Write the TAS case number on the repair order.
Package the return engine in the shipping container used to ship the exchange engine. Place a copy of repair order in the envelope provided and attach it to the return engine.
E. SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS: ------------------------- Place the shipping label over the original container shipping label.
The Bill of Lading and Customs Papers (when necessary) provided with the exchange engine are the only documents required to return ship the removed engine.
All required data on the Bill of Lading will be complete, except for the date and carrier signature. After the Bill of Lading has been dated and signed by the carrier, retain the last copy with your repair order and provide the other two copies to the carrier. Your copy of the Bill of Lading, signed by the carrier, is your proof of returning the engine.
The removed engine is to be shipped by Truck Freight Collect to:
GM Powertrain Delta Engine Plant, Store #9 2901 South Canal Road Lansing, MI 48917
Attn: Part Return
To increase the effectiveness of the program, the removed unit should be returned IMMEDIATELY. Failure to return the removed unit will result in the dealership being billed $2650.00 for the unit furnished, plus an administration charge.
F. WARRANTY CLAIMS PROCESSING PROCEDURE: ---------------------------------------- Upon completion of the repair, a warranty claim is to be submitted.
Labor Operation Labor *Other Number Description Sublet Hours Hours --------- ----------- ------ ------ ------ J1840 Replace Engine Assembly $ 415.00 (with manual transmission) 6.1 hrs 0.2 hr (with automatic transmission) 5.7 hrs 0.2 hr
(with air conditioning) 0.7 hr (with locking wheel covers) 0.1 hr
* Administrative Allowance.
** The amount identified in the "sublet" column above represents 30% of dealer net price of the difference between the current GMSPO Dealer Net Price less the engine return credit (Core Allowance) for parts furnished by the Delta Engine Plant. This is to be placed in the sublet field of the claim.
General Motors bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, not a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform those technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions and know-how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, do not assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will have that condition. See a General Motors dealer servicing your brand of General Motors vehicle for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information.