This bulletin replaces the 3300 (VIN N - RPO LG7) "Engine Removal" procedure in Section 6A6 on pages 9-10 for 1992 and pages 10-11 for the 1993 Achieva Service Manual.
The following procedure should be used:
1. Relieve fuel pressure, refer to Section 6C.
2. Negative battery cable.
3. Fuel lines, refer to Section 6C.
4. Drain and recover coolant, refer to Section 6B.
5. Discharge and recover refrigerant from A/C system, refer to Section 1 B.
6. Coolant surge tank.
7. Upper radiator hose from engine and pull back.
8. Lower radiator hose from engine and pull back.
9. Coolant fan assembly, refer to Section 6B.
10. Upper air cleaner assembly at throttle body.
11. Vacuum hoses.
12. Accelerator and cruise control cable (if equipped) from throttle body lever and position aside.
13. Serpentine belt from power steering and generator pulleys.
14. Power steering pump from bracket and position aside, refer to Section 3B.
15. Generator, refer to Section 6D3.
16. Upper wiring from engine.
17. Both heater hoses.
18. Install engine support fixture, J28467.
19. Right engine mount.
20. Raise vehicle and suitably support, refer to Section OA.
21. Both wheel and tire assemblies, refer to Section 3E.
22. Right and left side splash shields.
23. A/C line from A/C compressor.
24. Engine mount strut.
25. Both front ABS wheel speed sensor connectors wire harness from suspension supports.
26. Both ball joints from control arm using J38892.
27. Suspension support assembly, refer to Section 3C.
28. Both drive axles from transaxle and support, refer to Section 4D.
29. Transaxle converter cover.
30. Starter, refer to Section 6D2.
31. Lower wiring from engine.
32. Exhaust pipe from manifold and position aside.
33. Heater pipes from transaxle.
34. Transaxle cooler lines.
35. Transaxle mount to body bolts.
36. Lower vehicle and engine/transaxle onto a suitable table.
37. Engine support fixture lifting hooks.
38. Raise vehicle leaving the engine/transaxle on the table.
39. Separate engine and transaxle assembly.
1. Connect engine and transaxle assembly.
2. Position engine/transaxle on table and lower vehicle onto table.
3. Engine support fixture, J28467.
4. Raise vehicle.
5. Transaxle mount to body bolts, refer to Section 7A.
6. Transaxle cooler lines, refer to Section 7A.
7. Heater pipes to transaxle.
8. Exhaust pipe to manifold, refer to Section 6F.
9. Lower wiring to engine.
10. Starter, refer to Section 6D2.
11. Transaxle converter cover, refer to Section 7A.
12. Both drive axles to transaxle, refer to Section 4D.
13. Suspension support assembly, refer to Section 3C.
14. Both ball joints, refer to Section 3C.
15. Both front ABS wheel speed sensor connectors wire harness to suspension supports.
16. Engine mount strut, refer to "Engine Mount Strut" in this section.
17. A/C line to A/C compressor, refer to Section 1 B.
18. Right and left side splash shields.
19. Both wheel and tire assemblies, refer to Section 3E.
20. Lower vehicle.
21. Right engine mount, refer to "Right Engine Mount" in this section.
22. Remove engine support fixture.
23. Both heater hoses.
24. Upper wiring to engine.
25. Generator, refer to Section 6D3.
26. Power steering pump, refer to Section 3B.
27. Serpentine belt, refer to "Accessory Drive Belt" in this section.
28. Accelerator and cruise control cable (if equipped) to throttle body lever.
29. Vacuum hoses.
30. Upper air cleaner assembly at throttle body.
31. Coolant fan assembly, refer to Section 6B.
32. Lower radiator hose.
33. Upper radiator hose.
34. Coolant surge tank.
35. Evacuate and charge A/C system, refer to Section 1 B.
36. Fill coolant, refer to Section 6B.
37. Fuel lines, refer to Section 6C.
38. Negative battery cable.
Labor Operation Number: J1840-Engine, Universal-Replace J1820-Engine, Partial-Replace
Labor Time: 9.5 hours. for J1840 11.9 hours. for J1820
General Motors bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, not a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform those technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions and know-how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, do not assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will have that condition. See a General Motors dealer servicing your brand of General Motors vehicle for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information.