The driver door module (DDM) receives a discrete input from the driver door ajar switch. The driver information center (DIC) receives the status of the driver door from the DDM via class 2 serial data message. When the driver door is open and the vehicle is out of the PARK gear, the DIC displays the message.
The front passenger door module (PDM) receives a discrete input from the front passenger door ajar switch and sends the status to the driver door module (DDM) via the power door serial data circuit. The driver information center (DIC) receives the status of the front passenger door from the DDM via class 2 serial data message. When the front passenger door is open and the vehicle is out of the PARK gear, the DIC displays the message.
The LH rear door module (LRDM) receives a discrete input from the left rear door ajar switch and sends the status to the driver door module (DDM) via the power door serial data circuit. The driver information center (DIC) receives the status of the LH rear door from the DDM via class 2 serial data message. When the LH rear door is open and the vehicle is out of the PARK gear, the DIC displays the message.
The RH rear door module (RRDM) receives a discrete input from the RH rear door ajar switch and sends the status to the driver door module (DDM) via the power door serial data circuit. The driver information center (DIC) receives the status of the RH rear door from the DDM via class 2 serial data message. When the RH rear door is open and the vehicle is out of the PARK gear, the DIC displays the message.