Some 1992 Eighty Eight and Ninety Eight models utilize new aluminum retaining nuts to improve torque retention and corrosion resistance along with additional compression seal gaskets for added seal reliability in the event of missing or damaged dual 'O' rings.
The aluminum retaining nuts are distinguished by color (silver) and require higher torque 35 N.m (25 lb.ft.)for correct gasket compression. Earlier steel nuts are gold and are torqued to 25 N.m (18 1b. ft.).
Seal gaskets are thin flat washers with .005 inches of rubber on each flat side. They create a compressive face seal on the A/C lines which requires the aluminum nuts and higher torque. The aluminum nuts maintain compressive joint load over time better than earlier steel nuts. Seal gaskets are reusable when an A/C joint is serviced providing they are not damaged, bent, or cut.
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