Notice: Various transmission components require heating to 150°C (300°F) for 30 minutes for proper installation. Overheating may damage the components. Under-heating the components may cause hard installation, which may damage the components.
Important: Certain transmission components require preheating to 150°C (300°F). In order to preheat the components, use an electric oven. It is recommended to purchase a roaster/oven style locally. The oven should have a temperature setting thermostat.
Caution: When handling parts that have been preheated for installation purposes, always wear leather welding gloves with a minimum amount of handling time. Failure to wear leather gloves may result in severe skin burns or personal injury.
Caution: When handling parts that have been preheated for installation purposes, always wear leather welding gloves with a minimum amount of handling time. Failure to wear leather gloves may result in severe skin burns or personal injury.