Before installing new shoes and linings, clean the outside surface
of the boot. Use clean, denatured alcohol.
Bottom the piston into the caliper bore. Use a C-clamp over the
caliper and piston, tightening it slowly to press the piston into the bore.
Be careful not to damage the piston or the boot.
The boot must lay flat.
Ensure the convolutions are tucked back into place.
After bottoming the piston, use a small plastic or wood tool to lift
the inner edge of the boot next to the piston, and press out any trapped air.
Connect the inboard shoe and lining by snapping the shoe retainer spring
into the piston. The shoe must lay flat against the piston. After installing
the shoe and lining, check that the boot is not touching the shoe. If it is,
remove the shoe and lining and re-seat or re-position the boot.
Connect the outboard shoe and lining with the wear sensor at the trailing
edge of the shoe during forward wheel rotation. The back of the show must
lay flat against the caliper.
Install the caliper.
Apply approximately 778 N (175 lb) force three times
to the brake pedal to seat lining.