GM Service Manual Online
For 1990-2009 cars only

Battery Cable Replacement 3.8L V6

Removal Procedure

Negative Cable

  1. Remove the battery. Refer to Battery Replacement .

  2. Object Number: 211588  Size: SH
  3. Remove the battery negative cable nut.
  4. Remove the ground lead from the wheelhouse stud

  5. Object Number: 211593  Size: SH
  6. Remove the battery cable from the rosebud clip at the accumulator bracket.

  7. Object Number: 43679  Size: SH
  8. Remove the negative battery cable nut from the engine block stud.
  9. Remove the negative battery cable from the conduit.

Positive Cable

  1. Remove the battery. Refer to Battery Replacement .

  2. Object Number: 211614  Size: SH
  3. Remove the positive battery cable from the stud on the fuseblock:
  4. • Open the positive cable cap.
    • Remove the positive cable nut.
    • Remove the positive lead from the stud.

    Object Number: 43670  Size: SH
  5. Remove the positive cable from the generator:
  6. • Slide the boot down revealing the positive terminal stud.
    • Remove the positive cable nut at the generator.
    • Remove the positive cable.
  7. Remove the positive cable rosebud clip from the engine lift bracket.

  8. Object Number: 211607  Size: SH
  9. Remove the positive cable rosebud clips from the cooling fans.
  10. Raise and suitably support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle in General Information.

  11. Object Number: 211610  Size: SH
  12. Remove the positive cable from the rosebud clip at the power steering reservoir.
  13. Remove the bolt and ground strap at the driver side front rail.

  14. Object Number: 211604  Size: SH
  15. Remove the positive/negative cable from the engine mount stud:
  16. • Remove the battery positive cable nut (2).
    • Remove the harness clamp from the stud.
    • Remove the RF (Radio Frequency) ground strap.
  17. Remove the starter shield. Refer to Starter Shield Replacement .
  18. Remove the positive cable from the starter solenoid:
  19. • Remove the cable to starter nut (1).
    • Remove the positive cable from the conduit.

Installation Procedure

Positive Cable

  1. Install the positive cable to the conduit.

  2. Object Number: 211604  Size: SH
  3. Install the cable to starter nut (1).
  4. Tighten
    Tighten the positive cable to starter nut (1) to 10 N·m (89 lb in).

  5. Install the starter shield. Refer to Starter Shield Replacement .
  6. Install the positive/negative cable to the engine mount stud:
  7. • Install the RF (Radio Frequency) ground strap.
    • Install the harness clamp to the stud.
    • Install the battery positive cable nut (2).

    Tighten the positive cable to block stud nut (2) to 25 N·m (18 lb ft).

    Object Number: 211610  Size: SH
  8. Install the bolt and ground strap at the driver side front rail.
  9. Tighten
    Tighten the ground strap bolt to 12 N·m (106 lb in).

  10. Connect the positive cable to the rosebud clip at the power steering reservoir.
  11. Lower the vehicle.

  12. Object Number: 211607  Size: SH
  13. Install the positive cable rosebud clips to the cooling fans.

  14. Object Number: 43670  Size: SH
  15. Install the positive cable to the generator.
  16. • Install the positive cable to the stud.
    • Install the positive cable nut to the generator.

    Tighten the positive cable to generator nut to 22 N·m (16 lb ft).

    • Slide the boot over the positive terminal stud.

    Object Number: 211614  Size: SH
  17. Install the positive battery cable to the stud on the fuseblock:
  18. • Install the positive lead to the stud.
    • Install the positive battery cable nut.

    Tighten the positive cable to fuseblock nut to 14 N·m (10 lb ft).

    • Close the positive cable cap.
  19. Install the battery. Refer to Battery Replacement .

Negative Cable

  1. Install the negative battery cable to the conduit.

  2. Object Number: 43679  Size: SH
  3. Install the negative cable to the engine block stud.
  4. Install the negative cable nut to the engine block stud.
  5. Tighten
    Tighten the negative cable nut to engine block stud to 22 N·m (16 lb ft).

    Object Number: 211593  Size: SH
  6. Install the battery cable to the rosebud clip on the accumulator bracket.

  7. Object Number: 211588  Size: SH
  8. Install the ground lead to the wheelhouse stud.
  9. Install the battery negative cable nut.
  10. Tighten
    Tighten the negative cable nut to 6 N·m (53 lb in).

  11. Install the battery. Refer to Battery Replacement .

Battery Cable Replacement 5.7L V8

Removal Procedure

Negative Battery Cable

  1. Remove the battery. Refer to Battery Replacement .

  2. Object Number: 211588  Size: SH
  3. Remove the battery negative cable nut.
  4. Remove the ground lead from the wheelhouse stud.

  5. Object Number: 211593  Size: SH
  6. Remove the battery cable from the rosebud clip at the accumulator bracket.

  7. Object Number: 211595  Size: SH
  8. Remove the negative cable to engine block bolt (1).
  9. Remove the ground lead from the block.
  10. Remove the negative battery cable from the conduit.

Positive Cable

  1. Remove the battery. Refer to Battery Replacement .

  2. Object Number: 211614  Size: SH
  3. Remove the positive battery cable from the stud on the fuseblock.
  4. • Open the positive cable cap.
    • Remove the positive battery cable nut.
    • Remove the positive lead from the stud.
  5. Raise and suitably support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle in General Information.

  6. Object Number: 211602  Size: SH
  7. Remove the conduit rosebud clips from the cooling fans.
  8. Remove the bolt and ground strap at the driver side front rail.

  9. Object Number: 211599  Size: SH
  10. Remove the positive cable from the generator.
  11. • Slide the boot down revealing the positive terminal stud.
    • Remove the positive cable nut at the generator.
    • Remove the positive cable.

    Object Number: 211595  Size: SH
  12. Remove the positive cable to starter nut (3).
  13. Remove the positive cable from the starter.
  14. Remove the positive cable from the conduit.

Installation Procedure

Positive Cable

    Object Number: 165225  Size: SH
  1. Install the positive cable to the conduit.
  2. Install the positive cable to the starter.
  3. Install the positive cable to starter nut.
  4. Tighten
    Tighten the positive cable to starter nut to 10 N·m (89 lb in).

    Object Number: 211599  Size: SH
  5. Install the positive cable to the generator:
  6. • Install the positive cable.
    • Install the positive cable nut.

    Tighten the positive cable nut to generator to 22 N·m (16 lb ft).

    • Slide the boot over the positive terminal stud.
  7. Install the ground strap and bolt at the driver side front rail.
  8. Tighten
    Tighten the ground strap bolt to 12 N·m (106 lb in).

    Object Number: 211602  Size: SH
  9. Install the conduit rosebud clips to the cooling fans.
  10. Lower the vehicle.

  11. Object Number: 165219  Size: SH
  12. Install the positive cable into the clip:
  13. • Install the positive cable.
    • Snap the clip closed.
    • Lower the vehicle.

    Object Number: 211614  Size: SH
  14. Install the positive battery to the stud on the fuseblock:
  15. • Install the positive lead to the stud.
    • Install the positive battery cable nut.

    Tighten the cable nut to 14 N·m (10 lb ft).

    • Close the positive cable cap.
  16. Install the battery. Refer to Battery Replacement .

Negative Cable

  1. Install the negative cable to the conduit.

  2. Object Number: 211595  Size: SH
  3. Install the ground lead and negative cable to the engine block bolt (1).
  4. Tighten
    Tighten the negative cable to engine block bolt (1) to 32 N·m (24 lb ft).

    Object Number: 211593  Size: SH
  5. Install the battery cable to the rosebud clip at the accumulator bracket.

  6. Object Number: 211588  Size: SH
  7. Install the ground lead to the wheelhouse stud.
  8. Install the negative cable nut.
  9. Tighten
    Tighten the negative cable nut to 6 N·m (53 lb in).

  10. Install the battery. Refer to Battery Replacement .