Noises are listed in this section under the area of the vehicle they are perceived to be coming from, not necessarily where the noise ordinates. There may be duplications since a single noise may be perceived to be coming from multiple areas of the vehicle.
Under each noise is listed the problem (symptom), possible cause, and corrective action (diagnosis and repair). If disassembly is required, a reference is given to the section in the manual describing the process.
When disassembly is required to gain access to the source of the noise, it is advisable to correct other possible noises in that general area before reassembly.
This information is a guide to some of the more common problems that have been experienced but not a substitute for the user's powers of perception. There is no substitute for a good set of ears.
To communicate a noise, words must be used. Many different words can be used to describe a noise. The noise description table lists noises and their description as used in the book.
Bang: Wooden screen door slamming