- Remove the manual transmission
from the vehicle. Refer to
Transmission Replacement
in Manual Transmission - M49 or
Transmission Replacement
in Manual Transmission - MM6.
- Remove the clutch bleeder fitting from the actuator cylinder.
- Using a small drift or punch, remove the roll pin retaining the
hydraulic fitting to the actuator cylinder.
- Remove the clutch actuator cylinder bleed fitting.
- Remove the clutch actuator cylinder bolts (1).
- Remove the clutch actuator cylinder (2).
Installation Procedure
- Install the clutch actuator
cylinder (2).
- Install the clutch actuator cylinder bolts (1).
Tighten the clutch actuator cylinder bolts (1) to 8 N·m
(71 lb in).
- Install the hydraulic fitting to the actuator cylinder.
- Install the actuator cylinder fitting roll pin retainer using
a small drift or punch.
- Install the clutch actuator cylinder bleed fitting.
Tighten the clutch actuator cylinder bleed fitting to 20 N·m
(15 lb ft).
- Install the manual transmission to the vehicle. Refer to
Transmission Replacement
in Manual Transmission - M49 or
Transmission Replacement
in Manual Transmission - MM6.