Notice: Use of harsh chemicals when cleaning can damage exterior lamps. Suggested
cleaners are a mild soap and water, or Varnish Makers and Painters (VM&P)
Naptha. VM&P Naptha is a specific type of naptha and should
not be substituted by any other naptha.
- Wash the panel using soap and water.
- Wipe the panel dry.
- Use a clean rag and 3M General Purpose Adhesive Cleaner 08984 or the equivalent in order to wipe the panel and the adhesive side of the emblem/nameplate.
- Use a clean rag and an alcohol/water mixture in order to remove residue from the following components:
Notice: If tape is still intact on the molding or panel, do not remove the tape.
Clean the tape and the mating surface with Adhesive Cleaner. Wipe the tape
and mating surface with a clean, soft cloth. If the tape is damaged, refer
to Emblem/Nameplate Replacement.
- Apply a length of masking tape or a magnetic strip as a guide, if needed.
Notice: Use the minimum amount of adhesive required. Adhesive drips or squeeze-out may cause paint damage.
- Apply a thin film of adhesive to the back of the emblem/nameplate.
- Press the piece into place.
If you use the LOCTITEâ„¢ 414 adhesive GM P/N 1052621 (Canadian P/N 993365) or the equivalent, apply constant pressure to the molding for 30 seconds or until a
firm bond has been made.