GM Service Manual Online
For 1990-2009 cars only



Locator View

Connector End View

Engine Oil Pressure Indicator Switch (VIN M)

Front of the engine above the starter

Instrument Cluster and HUD Component Views


Fuel Tank

Below the rear of the vehicle, forward of the rear axle



Fuse Block

Right side of the IP, in the IP compartment opening

Power and Grounding Component Views in Wiring Systems


Headlamp Switch

Left side of the IP, left of the steering column


Lighting Systems Connector End Views in Lighting Systems

Ignition Switch

Inside the steering column



Inflatable Restraint Sensing and Diagnostic Module (SDM)

Below the carpet under the right front seat



Instrument Cluster

Left side of the IP

Instrument Cluster and HUD Component Views

Instrument Cluster and HUD Connector End Views in Instrument Panel, Gauges and Console

Instrument Cluster Head-Up Display (HUD)

Top of the left side of the IP

Instrument Cluster and HUD Component Views

Instrument Cluster and HUD Connector End Views in Instrument Panel, Gauges and Console

Instrument Cluster Head-Up Display (HUD) Dimmer Switch

Below the instrument cluster, on the right side steering column


Instrument Cluster and HUD Connector End Views in Instrument Panel, Gauges and Console

Park Brake Switch

Below the left side of the IP, part of the park brake assembly



Performance Shift Switch

Part of the console shifter handle



Powertrain Control Module (PCM)

Left side of the engine compartment, inside the air cleaner assembly



Transaxle Range Switch

Left rear of the engine compartment, on the transaxle

Power and Grounding Component Views in Wiring Systems


Trip Calculator

Right side of the instrument cluster


Instrument Cluster and HUD Connector End Views in Instrument Panel, Gauges and Console

Turn Signal Switch

Inside steering column, below the inflatable restraint steering wheel module coil



Underhood Accessory Wiring Junction Block

Right side of the engine compartment, mounted to the strut tower

Power and Grounding Component Views in Wiring Systems

Power and Grounding Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

C101 (20 cavities)

IP wiring harness to the engine wiring harness, on the left side of the engine compartment on the front of the strut tower

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems

Power and Grounding Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

C108 (5 cavities)

Engine wiring harness to the fuel injector wiring harness, on the top of the engine near the generator

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems

Power and Grounding Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

C126 (3 cavities)

Engine wiring harness to the ECT sensor jumper harness, on the top center of the engine, on the intake manifold

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems

Power and Grounding Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

C181 (10 cavities)

IP wiring harness to the engine wiring harness, left side of the engine compartment on the front of the strut tower

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems

Power and Grounding Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

C200 (56 cavities)

IP wiring harness to the body wiring harness, behind the right side of the IP, near the shroud

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems

Power and Grounding Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

C201 (48 cavities)

IP wiring harness to the steering column wiring harness, behind the IP on the right side of the steering column

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems

Power and Grounding Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

C240 (10 cavities)

IP wiring harness to the front floor console wiring harness, behind the front end of the console

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems

Power and Grounding Connector End Views in Wiring Systems

C405 (8 cavities)

Body wiring harness to the fuel tank wiring harness, in the rear compartment floor forward of the spare tire well

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems

Power and Grounding Connector End Views in Wiring Systems


Lower left front of the engine on the transaxle stud, near the starter

Power and Grounding Component Views in Wiring Systems


G117 (VIN K & VIN 1)

Lower left front of the engine on transaxle stud, near the starter

Power and Grounding Component Views in Wiring Systems


G117 (VIN M)

Lower left front of the engine on the transaxle stud, above the starter

Power and Grounding Component Views in Wiring Systems



Left side of the engine compartment at the base of the left strut tower

Power and Grounding Component Views in Wiring Systems



Right side of the IP cross beam, behind the fuse block

Power and Grounding Component Views in Wiring Systems



Lower right side of the dash panel

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems



Upper left side of the dash panel

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems



Engine wiring harness, in the front of the engine compartment, approximately 4 cm (2 in) from the C105 (engine coolant fan jumper connector) breakout

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems



Engine wiring harness, on the left side of the engine compartment, approximately 44 cm (17 in) from the PCM

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems


S122 (VIN K & VIN 1)

Engine wiring harness, on the left top front of the engine, approximately 13 cm (5 in) from the C110 breakout

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems


S122 (VIN M)

Engine wiring harness, on the right top of the engine, approximately 4 cm (2 in) from the generator breakout

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems



IP wiring harness, on the left rear of the engine compartment, approximately 7 cm (3 in) from the windshield wiper motor breakout

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems



IP harness, above the instrument cluster, approximately 4 cm (2 in) from the fog lamp switch, instrument cluster breakout

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems



IP wiring harness, behind the left side of IP, approximately 36 cm (14 in) from the body control module

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems



IP wiring harness, behind the right side of the instrument cluster, approximately 20 cm (8 in) from the driver information display/trip calculator breakout

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems



IP wiring harness, behind the center of the IP, approximately 11 cm (4 in) from the data link connector

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems



IP wiring harness, behind the right side of the instrument cluster, approximately 13 cm (5 in) from the driver information display/trip calculator breakout

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems



IP wiring harness, behind the top of the instrument cluster, approximately 9 cm (4 in) from the instrument cluster breakout

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems



IP wiring harness, right side of the steering column, approximately 17 cm (7 in) from the data link connector breakout

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems



IP wiring harness, right side of the steering column, approximately 5 cm (2 in) from the data link connector

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems



IP wiring harness, on the right side of the steering column, approximately 4 cm (2 in) from the data link connector breakout

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems



IP wiring harness, below the center of IP, approximately 34 cm (13 in) from C240

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems



IP wiring harness, on the right side of the steering column, approximately 14 cm (5 in) from the data link connector breakout

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems



IP wiring harness, behind the right side of the instrument cluster, approximately 7 cm (3 in) from the driver information display/trip calculator breakout

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems



IP wiring harness, behind the right side of the instrument cluster, approximately at the driver information display/trip calculator breakout

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems



Body wiring harness, below the rear window panel between C405 (inline connector to the fuel tank harness) and the C405 breakout, approximately 10 cm (4 in) from the C405 breakout

Harness Routing Views in Wiring Systems
