Important: Apply putty in areas indicated before painting.
Apply putty in two places before attaching fender (1).Important: Apply putty (1) before painting.
Wipe putty sealer over glass mounting area (2).Important: Wipe putty sealer 75 mm (2.9 in) in two places (1).
Apply sealer before panel filler in two places (2).Important: Wipe sealant area (1).
Keep roof mounting clips free of sealant (2) (six clips on each side). Wipe off excess sealant from screen flange (3) (four places).Important: Paint drain holes in order to be free of sealer (1).
Important: Wipe sealer along door hinge (1).
Wipe sealer along weatherstrip carrier (2). Wipe sealer along door corners (3). Ensure water drain holes (three places on both doors) are free of sealer (4).