Notice: Use a piece of wood or rubber when prying with side cutters to remove
the manual shaft pin, to prevent damage to the case.
- Use side cutting pliers in order to remove the manual shift shaft pin (801).
- Disconnect the manual valve link (402) from the IMS/detent lever assembly (811).
Important: The IMS/detent lever (811) should be removed
as an assembly.
- Remove the internal mode switch (IMS)/detent lever (811) and remove the
park pawl actuator assembly (800).
- Position the transmission so that the reverse
band servo bore is facing upward.
- Use a small screwdriver in order to pry the manual shift shaft seal (806)
from the case.
- Remove the park pawl actuator guide pin (808).
- Remove the park pawl actuator guide assembly (809) from the case.
- Remove the actuator guide seal (810) from the guide.