GM Service Manual Online
For 1990-2009 cars only
Base Model Part Number: The scan tool displays the 8 digit hardware part number of the module.

Calibration Part Number: The scan tool displays the 8 digit part number of the calibration incorporated into the module.

Driver Seat Cushion Heat Status: The scan tool displays Inactive/Active. When the heated seat is on, the scan tool will display the status of the heated seat as Active.

Driver Seat HVC Level: The scan tool displays High/Low. When the driver heated seat switch is pressed once, the scan tool will display High indicating the high temperature setting. When the switch is pressed a second time, Low will be displayed indicating the low temperature setting.

Driver Seat HVC Mode: The scan tool displays Off/Back & Cushion. When the heated seat is enabled, the scan tool parameter will display the seat heat mode status as Back & Cushion.

Driver Heated Seat Sw. - CCP: The scan tool displays Inactive/Active. When the driver heated seat switch is pressed, the scan tool will momentarily display the switch input of the climate control panel as Active.

End Model Part Number: Before the module has been serviced or replaced, the scan tool displays the module production part number. Then, once the module has been replaced, the scan tool will display the new serviced part number.

Julian Date of Build: The scan tool displays a 3-digit number. This number is the day of the year that the module was built.

Passenger Seat Cushion Heat Status: The scan tool displays Inactive/Active. When the heated seat is on, the scan tool will display the status of the heated seat as Active.

Passenger Seat HVC Level: The scan tool displays High/Low. When the passenger heated seat switch is pressed once, the scan tool will display High indicating the high temperature setting. When the switch is pressed a second time, Low will be displayed indicating the low temperature setting.

Passenger Seat HVC Mode: The scan tool displays Off/Back & Cushion. When the heated seat is enabled, the scan tool parameter will display the seat heat mode status as Back & Cushion.

Pass. Heated Seat Sw. -- CCP: The scan tool displays Inactive/Active. When the passenger heated seat switch is pressed, the scan tool will momentarily display the heated seat switch input of the climate control panel as Active.

Software Part Number: The scan tool displays the 8-digit part number of the software incorporated into the module.

Year Module Built: The scan tool displays a 4-digit number. This number represents the year the module was built.