Subject: | Wheel Alignment Service Specifications |
Models: | 2007 and Prior GM Passenger Cars and Trucks (including Saturn) |
The following diagnosis might be helpful if the vehicle exhibits the symptom(s) described in this PI.
General Motors Wheel Alignment "Service" Specifications Communication:
It has come to our attention that, when a vehicle is in for service and it is determined that a vehicle needs to be checked for wheel alignment, technicians are relying on specifications that are loaded into their respective machines rather than referring
to the SI on-line documentation for the most up-to-date information. This can result in vehicles being adjusted when it is not necessary and/or vehicles being adjusted to incorrect specifications. Utilizing incorrect specifications can result in an inferior
repair and customer issues down the road resulting in additional cost to the customer and General Motors warranty. General Motors Chassis Engineering provides (early-summer) a "one time" CD of wheel alignment specs for the upcoming model year to certain vendors;
these vendors then "sell" the new model year specifications as an update to their clients and our dealers provided they pay for the service. Revisions to General Motors wheel alignment specifications are sometimes necessary and handled strictly in SI documentation;
therefore vendors may not have the most up-to-date specifications. Additionally, many dealers do not necessarily subscribe to the updates from the equipment manufacturers. Therefore, prior to any adjustments to a vehicle wheel alignment, technicians should
verify that the specifications loaded into their wheel aligners are up-to-date by checking them against what is on-line in SI2000. Bottom line is that SI2000 is the official place for "Service" wheel alignment specifications.
Please follow this diagnostic or repair process thoroughly and complete each step. If the condition exhibited is resolved without completing every step, the remaining steps do not need to be performed.