Description | Application | GM Part Number | Canadian |
Assembly Grease | Insertion of seal rings | 19 48 603 | 90 393 648 |
Ball-Bearing Grease | To attach gaskets and as lubricant with splines | 1050109 (1.75 oz) 1052196 (14 oz) | 5264008 (279 gr) |
Lubricating Grease | To coat clutch bearing sliding surface and clutch plate teeth | 12378484 | 88901243 |
Locking Compound | Sealant for bolted connections | 12345382 | 10953489 |
Silicone Grease | Grease for all temperature-stressed sliding connections and plastic seal rings | 1235579 | 10953481 |
Transmission Fluid | Assembly of rotating transmission components, fluid fill | 88862472 | 88862473 |