The transaxle is left mounted firmly in the cradle during removal.
- Attach the engine lift hoist to
the engine lift hooks.
- Place a 1 ΒΎ in. x 2 in. x 4 in.
and a 1 ΒΌ in. x 2 in. x 4 in.
long block of wood under the transaxle housing for support.
Important: Manual transaxles require the engine to be moved approximately 100 mm
(4 in) forward in the cradle for input shaft disengagement.
- Remove the transaxle bell housing attachment bolts.
Important: Before shipment, all fluids must be drained from the engine and all openings
must be plugged or capped.
- Carefully lift the engine assembly from the cradle and mount it on an engine
stand for repairs or on a transportation pallet.