Important: Some parts have structural weld-thru adhesive in the joint areas. It is necessary
to replace this with additional spot welds at the attachment points. This can be accomplished
by adding an additional weld between each factory weld in all areas.
- Note amount and location of spot welds.
- Remove sealer and drill spot welds from area necessary to place joint
in areas specified.
- Clean all weld seams with a wire brush. Prime and seal all repair areas.
- Apply permanent underbody sealant.
Important: Ensure that proper corrosion protection processes are used on all repair areas.
- Prime with two-part catalyzed primer.
- Apply sealers and corrosion protection materials according to information
in the "Body Paint" section of this service manual or paint manufacturer's recommendations.
- Position closing plate in place, align, clamp and weld into place.