To determine if striker adjustment is required, proceed as follows.
- Make certain the door is aligned, proper gaps and flushness are achieved,
within the door opening before proceeding with the striker adjustment.
- Close the door onto the strikers and note if the door drags on either
striker causing the door to move upward or downward upon contact with the striker.
Also note the closing effort to fully engage the latch.
- Using a soft marker, mark around both strikers for reference of the original
positions. Remove one of the strikers.
- To achieve proper door position within the door opening, eliminate drag,
loosen the remaining striker, and reposition.
- Start with the up/down position, then position the striker to achieve
proper alignment to the door opening.
- Set the in/out adjustment for proper door seal engagement making sure
the door closing efforts are correct.
- Install the second striker and repeat the alignment procedure
from step 4.