Removal Procedure
- Remove the 2 reverse idler gear
retaining plate bolts (532) from the transmission case (31).
- Remove the reverse idler gear assembly (533) from the transmission case (31).
- Remove the 2 reverse idler gear locating pins (530) from the transmission case (31).
Disassembly Procedure
- Remove the reverse idler gear retaining
ring (525).
- Remove the following components from the reverse idler gear returning plate assembly (531):
• | The reverse idler gear thrust washer (526). |
• | The reverse idler gear (527). |
• | Both reverse idler gear inner bearings (528). |
• | The lower reverse idler gear thrust washer (526). |
Inspection Procedure
- Inspect all components for excessive wear or damage.
Replace as needed.
- Inspect the bearings for wear or damage. Replace as needed.
Assembly Procedure
- Install the lower reverse idler gear
thrust washer (526) on the reverse idler gear retaining plate assembly (531).
- Install the 2 reverse idler gear inner bearings (528) on the reverse idler gear retaining plate assembly (531).
Important: The shorter hub side of the reverse idler gear installs to the plate as shown.
- Install the reverse idler gear (527) on the reverse idler gear retaining plate assembly (531).
- Install the upper reverse idler gear thrust washer (526) on the reverse idler gear retaining plate assembly (531).
- Install the reverse idler gear retaining ring (525) on the reverse idler gear retaining plate assembly (531).
Installation Procedure
- Install both 10 x 16 mm reverse
idler gear locating pins (530) into the transmission case (31).
Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in the Preface section.
- Install the reverse idler gear assembly (533) into the transmission case (31).
Important: Overtightening of the idler gear retaining plate bolts will cause the reverse idler gear to bind.
- Install both M8 x 1.0 x 35 mm reverse idler gear retaining plate bolts (532).
Tighten the bolts to 26 N·m (20 lb ft)